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Created January 9, 2019 18:19
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  • Save kinoute/2f1eec3c4908f17b63001aa29bc38795 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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/sites/crunz-error  vendor/bin/crunz schedule:run -vvv
Using config file /Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/crunz-error/crunz.yml.
Task source path '/Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/crunz-error/app/tasks'
Realpath for '/Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/crunz-error/app/tasks' is '/Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/crunz-error/app/tasks'
Task finder pattern '/Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/crunz-error/app/tasks/*Tasks.php'
Found 1 task(s) at path '/Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/crunz-error/app/tasks'
Timezone from config: 'UTC'.
Timezone for comparisons: 'UTC'.
Invoke Schedule's ping before
There is no ping before url.
Invoke Event's ping before.
There is no ping before url.
Invoke Event's ping after.
There is no ping after url.
testTask Test status: success.
Invoke Schedule's ping after.
There is no ping after url.
/sites/crunz-error  cd ..
~/sites  /Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/crunz-error/vendor/bin/crunz schedule:run -vvv
Trying to resolve legacy config file:
- testing path '/Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/crunz-error/vendor/lavary/crunz/../../crunz.yml'.
- testing path '/Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/crunz-error/vendor/lavary/crunz/../../../crunz.yml'.
Legacy config found at '/Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/crunz-error/vendor/lavary/crunz/../../../crunz.yml'.
[Deprecation] Probably you are relying on legacy config file recognition which is deprecated. Currently default config
file is relative to current working directory, make sure you changed it accordingly in your Cron task.
Run your command with '-vvv' to check resolved paths. Legacy behavior will be removed in v2. File
line 111
Using config file /Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/crunz-error/vendor/lavary/crunz/../../../crunz.yml.
Task source path '/Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/app/tasks'
Task source path '/Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/crunz-error/vendor/lavary/crunz/../../app/tasks'
Task source path '/Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/crunz-error/vendor/lavary/crunz/../../../app/tasks'
Realpath for '/Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/crunz-error/vendor/lavary/crunz/../../../app/tasks' is '/Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/crunz-error/app/tasks'
Task finder pattern '/Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/crunz-error/vendor/lavary/crunz/../../../app/tasks/*Tasks.php'
Found 1 task(s) at path '/Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/crunz-error/vendor/lavary/crunz/../../../app/tasks'
[Deprecation] Probably you are relying on legacy tasks source recognition which is deprecated. Currently default source
for tasks is relative to current working directory, make sure you changed it accordingly in your Cron
task. Run your command with '-vvv' to check resolved paths. Legacy behavior will be removed in v2. File
/Volumes/Storage/kinoute/Sites/crunz-error/vendor/lavary/crunz/src/Task/Collection.php, line 102
Timezone from config: 'UTC'.
Timezone for comparisons: 'UTC'.
Invoke Schedule's ping before
There is no ping before url.
Invoke Event's ping before.
There is no ping before url.
Could not open input file: test.php
sh: line 0: cd: app/game/test: No such file or directory
Task Test status: fail.
Invoke Schedule's ping after.
There is no ping after url.
~/sites 
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