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Last active August 16, 2022 07:21
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  • Save just-Addict/67a2b98a19ff3ef1b87425351c9f1ad2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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draws gridlines at set intervals (either horizontal, vertical or both) color density, distance and line thickness configurable.
texture tex : WAVEFORMDATA;
sampler sTex = sampler_state
Texture = (tex);
MipFilter = LINEAR;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
AddressU = Clamp;
struct VS_IN
float2 pos : POSITION;
float2 tc : TEXCOORD0;
struct PS_IN
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float2 tc : TEXCOORD0;
float4 backgroundColor : BACKGROUNDCOLOR;
float4 highlightColor : HIGHLIGHTCOLOR;
float4 selectionColor : SELECTIONCOLOR;
float4 textColor : TEXTCOLOR;
float cursorPos : CURSORPOSITION;
bool cursorVisible : CURSORVISIBLE;
float seekPos : SEEKPOSITION;
bool seeking : SEEKING;
float4 replayGain : REPLAYGAIN; // album gain, track gain, album peak, track peak
float2 viewportSize : VIEWPORTSIZE;
bool horizontal : ORIENTATION;
bool flipped : FLIPPED;
bool shade_played : SHADEPLAYED;
float trackDuration : TRACKDURATION;
PS_IN VS( VS_IN input )
PS_IN output = (PS_IN)0;
float2 half_pixel = float2(1,-1) / viewportSize;
output.pos = float4(input.pos - half_pixel, 0, 1);
if (horizontal)
{ = float2(( + 1.0) / 2.0,;
{ = float2(( + 1.0) / 2.0,;
if (flipped) = 1.0 -;
return output;
//#define ABOVE_WAVE
//#define BELOW_WAVE
//#define INSIDE_WAVE
float4 grid = float4(5.0,0.0,1.0,0.75);
float4 draw_grid( float2 tc, float4 aColor, float2 vpDelta, bool insideWave )
// grid.x : x and/or y interval
// grid.y : currently unused
// grid.z : thickness of the gridline
// grid.a : color intensity of gridline. darker< 1 >lighter
#if defined(ABOVE_WAVE)
if (tc.y > 0 && !insideWave)
#elif defined(BELOW_WAVE)
if (tc.y < 0 && !insideWave)
#elif defined(INSIDE_WAVE)
if (insideWave)
#elif defined(OUTSIDE_WAVE)
if (!insideWave)
if (grid.x > 1
&& (tc.x % (vpDelta.x*grid.x) < (vpDelta.x*grid.z)))
aColor *= grid.a;
if (grid.x > 1
&& ((1-tc.y) % (vpDelta.y*grid.x*2) < (vpDelta.y*grid.z*2)))
aColor *= grid.a;
return aColor;
float4 bar( float pos, float2 tc, float4 fg, float4 bg, float width, bool show )
float dist = abs(pos - tc.x);
float4 c = (show && dist < width)
? lerp(fg, bg, smoothstep(0, width, dist))
: bg;
return c;
float4 faded_bar( float pos, float2 tc, float4 fg, float4 bg, float width, bool show, float vert_from, float vert_to )
float dist = abs(pos - tc.x);
float fluff = smoothstep(vert_from, vert_to, abs(tc.y));
float4 c = show
? lerp(fg, bg, max(fluff, smoothstep(0, width, dist)))
: bg;
return c;
float4 played( float pos, float2 tc, float4 fg, float4 bg, float alpha)
float4 c = bg;
float2 d = 1 / viewportSize;
if (pos > tc.x)
if (tc.x < d.x || tc.y >= (1 - d.y) || tc.y <= (2 * d.y - 1))
c = selectionColor;
c = lerp(c, fg, saturate(alpha));
return c;
float4 evaluate( float2 tc, inout bool insideWave )
// alpha 1 indicates biased texture
float4 minmaxrms = tex1D(sTex, tc.x);
minmaxrms.rgb -= 0.5 * minmaxrms.a;
minmaxrms.rgb *= 1.0 + minmaxrms.a;
float below = tc.y - minmaxrms.r;
float above = tc.y - minmaxrms.g;
float factor = min(abs(below), abs(above));
bool outside = (below < 0 || above > 0);
bool inside_rms = abs(tc.y) <= minmaxrms.b;
float4 bgColor = backgroundColor;
float4 wave = outside
? bgColor
: lerp(bgColor, textColor, 7.0 * factor);
insideWave = !outside;
return saturate(wave);
float4 PS( PS_IN input ) : SV_Target
float dx, dy;
float2 d;
float2 vp = 1/viewportSize;
if (horizontal)
d.xy = vp.xy;
d.xy = vp.yx;
float seekWidth = 2.5 * d.x;
float positionWidth = 2.5 * d.x;
// passed thru an inout argument so we don't need to jump hoops to re-use it
bool insideWave;
float4 c0 = evaluate(, insideWave);
c0 = draw_grid(, c0, d, insideWave);
c0 = bar(cursorPos,, selectionColor, c0, positionWidth, cursorVisible);
c0 = bar(seekPos,, selectionColor, c0, seekWidth, seeking );
if (shade_played)
c0 = played(cursorPos,, highlightColor, c0, 0.3);
return c0;
technique Render9
VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PS();
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just-Addict commented Jun 4, 2016

note: colors used need to have at least two of their components non-zero, so pure red/blue/green or black won't show gridlines. And white can only show darker lines of course.

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