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johanneswilm /
Created May 19, 2016 18:53 — forked from sarahhodne/
Run Sauce Connect on Travis CI
if [ -z "${SAUCE_USERNAME}" ] || [ -z "${SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY}" ]; then
echo "This script can't run without your Sauce credentials"
echo "Please set SAUCE_USERNAME and SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY env variables"
echo "export SAUCE_USERNAME=ur-username"
echo "export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=ur-access-key"
exit 1
SAUCE_TMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d -t sc.XXXX)"
johanneswilm /
Last active December 5, 2019 11:21
Agreement for fiduswriter/fiduswriter

Fidus Writer Contributor License Agreement

Thank you for your interest in contributing Fidus Writer project (the “Project”). This Contributor License Agreement (the “Agreement” or “CLA”) is made between you (“You”) and Lund Info AB (“FIDUS”).

This optional license is for your protection as a Contributor as well as the protection of FIDUS and its users; it does not change your rights to use your own Contributions for any other purpose. By certifying that you have all intellectual property rights necessary for the contribution, you permit FIDUS to secure the legal aspects of the Project. By this way, FIDUS is stronger to defend the Project in case of counterfeiting allegations from a third party whose action could endanger the continuity of the Project.

Please read this document carefully before signing and keep a copy for your records. You accept and agree to the following terms and conditions for Your present and future Contributions submitted to FIDUS.

This agreement takes effect from the date of its