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Most configuration really isn't about the app -- it's about where the app runs, what keys it needs to communicate with third party API's, the db password and username, etc... They're just deployment details -- and there are lots of tools to help manage environment variables -- not the least handy being a simple .env file with all your settings. Simply source the appropriate env before you launch the app in the given env (you could make it part of a launch script, for instance).

env files look like this:


To source it:

$ source dev.env # or staging.env, or production.env, depending on where you're deploying to

joaovpmamede /
Created January 23, 2014 14:49 — forked from max-mapper/
Manage State and Event Handling

Put a closure on it

Sometimes you'll have objects that manage state along with event handling. This happens frequently in MVC apps. Let's start with a messy example:

var Launcher = function(rocket) {
  this.rocket = rocket

Launcher.prototype.isReady = function() {

WP Bag of Tricks
1. Helpful Scripts/Plugins:
Hacks: (Can be extremely resource intensive.)