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Joe Moretti jmoretti

  • Huntsville, Alabama
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jmoretti /
Created February 21, 2018 19:13 — forked from ipbastola/
Safest way to clean up boot partition - Ubuntu 14.04LTS-x64

Safest way to clean up boot partition - Ubuntu 14.04LTS-x64


Case I: if /boot is not 100% full and apt is working

1. Check the current kernel version

$ uname -r 
jmoretti / Python3 Virtualenv
Created March 31, 2020 20:35 — forked from pandafulmanda/Python3 Virtualenv
Setting up and using Python3 Virtualenv on Mac

Python3 Virtualenv Setup

  • Python 3
  • Pip 3
$ brew install python3

Download .ipa files removed from purchased tab.

Due to various reasons (such as Apple developer account termination), apps you had previously purchased can no longer be downloaded from the App Store or iTunes. However, it turns out these applications can still be accessed. Originally, this tutorial was written to use iMazing's app downloading feature. This is because iMazing downloads apps using a different endpoint from what iTunes uses. However, I have also decided to write the tutorial to use ipatool-py, because it also uses the different endpoint when entering the Apple ID and Password into the command line.

This app must have been purchased on your Apple ID beforehand. You cannot download any app ever made. Apple only lets you download apps you had bought or downloaded in the past.

I reccomend using the ipatool-py method, because it is easier. However, if you are unable to use it, I have left the original iMazing method for you to follow.

Requirements for this tutorial:

  • App ID (Number su