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defunkt /
Created March 6, 2010 10:21
Installing mustache.vim


In your shell:

cd ~/.vim
git clone git://
mv mustache.vim/syntax/* syntax/
mv mustache.vim/indent/* indent/
mv mustache.vim/ftdetect/* ftdetect/

rm -rf mustache.vim

pazdera / gist:1086117
Created July 16, 2011 07:56
Example of using getopt(1) utility in bash
# Example of using getopt(1) utility to parse script arguments
# Copyright (C) 2011 Radek Pazdera
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
ircmaxell / php_errors.txt
Created July 27, 2011 15:50
All errors in the 5.3 source code tree (zend_error|php_error_docref)
./ext/bcmath/bcmath.c: php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Division by zero");
./ext/bcmath/bcmath.c: php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Division by zero");
./ext/bcmath/bcmath.c: php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Square root of negative number");
./ext/bz2/bz2.c: php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "length may not be negative");
./ext/bz2/bz2.c: php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "could not read valid bz2 data from stream");
./ext/bz2/bz2.c: php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "'%s' is not a valid mode for bzopen(). Only 'w' and 'r' are supported.", mode);
./ext/bz2/bz2.c: php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "filename cannot be empty");
./ext/bz2/bz2.c: php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "cannot use stream opened in mode '%s'", stream->mode);
./ext/bz2/bz2.c: php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "cannot use stream opened in mode '%s'", stream->mode);
eligrey / html-domparser.js
Last active April 11, 2024 10:34
DOMParser HTML extension - Now a polyfill since HTML parsing was added to the DOMParser specification
* DOMParser HTML extension
* 2019-11-13
* By Eli Grey,
* Public domain.
/*! @source */
tylerl /
Created September 24, 2011 08:27
RSA Explained in Python
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This example demonstrates RSA public-key cryptography in an
# easy-to-follow manner. It works on integers alone, and uses much smaller numbers
# for the sake of clarity.
# First we pick our primes. These will determine our keys.
chitchcock /
Created October 12, 2011 15:53
Stevey's Google Platforms Rant

Stevey's Google Platforms Rant

I was at Amazon for about six and a half years, and now I've been at Google for that long. One thing that struck me immediately about the two companies -- an impression that has been reinforced almost daily -- is that Amazon does everything wrong, and Google does everything right. Sure, it's a sweeping generalization, but a surprisingly accurate one. It's pretty crazy. There are probably a hundred or even two hundred different ways you can compare the two companies, and Google is superior in all but three of them, if I recall correctly. I actually did a spreadsheet at one point but Legal wouldn't let me show it to anyone, even though recruiting loved it.

I mean, just to give you a very brief taste: Amazon's recruiting process is fundamentally flawed by having teams hire for themselves, so their hiring bar is incredibly inconsistent across teams, despite various efforts they've made to level it out. And their operations are a mess; they don't real

rodw /
Last active December 1, 2024 08:16
A simple script to backup an organization's GitHub repositories, wikis and issues.
# A simple script to backup an organization's GitHub repositories.
# * Under the heading "CONFIG" below you'll find a number of configuration
# parameters that must be personalized for your GitHub account and org.
# Replace the `<CHANGE-ME>` strings with the value described in the comments
# (or overwrite those values at run-time by providing environment variables).
peterjwest / gist:5459304
Last active August 26, 2023 23:29
var_dump() sucks

Better variable dumping for PHP

  • debug($variable) prints html and source code friendly variable information
  • inspect($variable) returns the variable information as a string

Associative arrays are printed as:

  key: 'value'

'key 2': 'value 2'

// Usage:
// Put this in a separate file and load it as the first module
// (See
// Methods available after page load:
// - Fills out every module's map property under rtree.tree.
// - Print out rtree.tree in the console to see their map property.
// rtree.toUml()
// - Prints out a UML string that can be used to generate UML
// - UML Website:
ncw / README.txt
Last active February 20, 2024 19:30 — forked from spikebike/client output
Client side certificates with go
This demonstrates how to make client side certificates with go
First generate the certificates with
./ [email protected]
Run the server in one terminal
go run server.go