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"I feel like I belong on this team."
"On this team, I can voice a contrary opinion without fear of negative consequences."
"On this team, perspectives like mine are included in decision making."
"On this team, administrative or clerical tasks that don’t have a specific owner are fairly divided."
"People on this team accept others who are different."
"It is easy to ask other members of this team for help."
"On this team, messengers are not punished when they deliver news of failures or other bad news."
"On this team, responsibilities are shared."
"On this team, cross-functional collaboration is encouraged and rewarded."
"On this team, failure causes inquiry."
jacobian / gist:4234944
Created December 7, 2012 17:35 — forked from jnoller/gist:4234922
Rough Draft


By now, if you're linked in to current Python / [Python Software Foundation News][1] you know that as of November 21, 2012 the [PSF now requires][2] that all conferences it sponsors, or provides grants to (and there are many), have a code of conduct in place. The exact wording of the reslution the PSF board ratified is this:

RESOLVED, that the PSF will only sponsor conferences that have or agree to create and publish a Code of Conduct/Anti Harassment guide for their conference. A basic template to work from has been generated by the Ada Initiative at [][3]

Before I go much further; I'm going to state unequivocally that I am the one to blame (if you want to assign it as such) for this. I proposed, argued for it, put it on the agenda and argued for it vociferously during our meeting. However, the board approved it overwhelmingly as a body with a single abstension.

Additionally, as you read this, do not assume anything abou

jacobian / gist:3139864
Created July 19, 2012 00:12 — forked from idan/gist:3135754
A Sample Post

Hello there! This is a sample post — in reStructuredText! — for, a super-lightweight writing soapbox for hackers.

Now look up. Further. Above the post title. See that grey text with the gist ID?

Now back to me. That grey text is a link! Open that sucker in a new tab to see the source for this post. Also, I'm on a horse.

This is a major heading

PyCon 2013, occurring once again in sunny Santa Clara, California, will now be accepting all types of proposals through MONTH DAY, 2012. As with years past, we're looking forward to receiving your best proposals for tutorials, talks, and posters.

About PyCon 2013

The 2013 conference will run from XXXXXX to YYYYY at the Santa Clara Convention Center, just 15 minutes from San Jose, and one hour from San Francisco. On the schedule we have the main conference running Friday XXX through Sunday XXXXX, which is preceded by two days of tutorials and followed up by four days of sprints.

Continuing a trend started years ago, attendance records were once again broken last year, and the schedule was the best we've assembled. Can you help us top 2012?

Who Should Submit a Proposal?

jacobian /
Created October 20, 2011 21:51 — forked from lambacck/gist:1299684
PyCon random review script
Review you some talks!
$ pip install lxml
$ pip install -e git://
def print_name(for_user):
print "name is %s" % for_user
print_name(for_user="Travis Swicegood")
cd /tmp
tar -xzvf lxml-2.2.2.tgz
cd lxml-2.2.2
cd libs/
cd ..
python build --static-deps --libxml2-version=2.7.3 --libxslt-version=1.1.24
sudo python install
jacobian / echo.c
Created October 7, 2009 19:13 — forked from paulsmith/echo.c
* A simple preforking echo server in C.
* Building:
* $ gcc -Wall -o echo echo.c
* Usage:
* $ ./echo
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Example Usage
>>> import datetime
>>> start =, 6, 21)
>>> g1 = daterange(start)
#!/usr/bin/env python
Regex for URIs
These regex are directly derived from the collected ABNF in RFC3986
(except for DIGIT, ALPHA and HEXDIG, defined by RFC2234).
They should be processed with re.VERBOSE.