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Andreas Klein ixisio

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ixisio / detect.js
Last active December 11, 2015 20:28 — forked from tvandervossen/environment.js
device = function() {
, flags = {}
, ua = navigator.userAgent
, el = document.createElement('div')
, root = document.documentElement
, i
function flag(names) {
root.className += (root.className ? ' ' : '') + names
function touchMoveOut(evt) {
touchObj = {}
, tolerance = 15
, containment
, px
, py
touchObj.coords = evt.touches[0] || evt.changedTouches[0]
define( function( require ) {
return JSONLoader = {
load : function(path, onCompleteOptions) {
this.opt = onCompleteOptions || {};
if(typeof jQuery === 'undefined' )
throw new Error('JSONLoader Module requires jQuery Library 1.7.x');
this.getJSON(path, function(obj) {
ixisio / delayedEnter, delayedLeave, and delayedHover.js
Last active September 12, 2017 05:27 — forked from scottjehl/delayedEnter, delayedLeave, and delayedHover.js
Simple delayed events for `mouseenter` & `mouseleave`
* jQuery special events for delayedEnter, delayedLeave, and delayedHover
* Author: Scott Jehl, [email protected]
* Copyright (c) 2011 Filament Group
* licensed under MIT
* note: Each event can be used with bind or live event handling as you would use mouseenter,mouseleave, and hover
* events fire after 200ms timeout
//delayedEnter event
ixisio / backbone-collection-getByAttributes.js
Last active December 16, 2015 03:59
Filter Backbone.Collection items by more that one attribute..
// @deprected
// This GIST is deprected!
//_.findWhere() is exactly what you're searching for ;-)
// Example:
// collection.findWhere({
// color: 'red',
// brand: 'vw'
ixisio / ideas-normalize-input-events.markdown
Last active December 23, 2015 19:39
Automated Event Replacement for touch-enabled Devices


Normalizes mouse, touch and other input-type events

Aim of this document: I will try to find a way to accomplish that, do some research and collect benefits & requirements on such framework

Benefits of such library

  • No more breakdown by input type (from a developer's perspective)
  • Native-like and user-friendly UI
ixisio /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
[DRAFT] A RESS Server implementation for Node.js

A RESS-Server Implementation with Node.js

RESS [ˈrəs] - RWD And Server-Side Components

How often you write a waste condition or another piece of code in your responsive frontend project, based on different viewports or different browser capabilities. That would be totally obsolet, if the server has some more information about the device to which it delivers. At this time, RESS comes into the game.

This document is the result of my research for already existing RESS implementation written in Node.js.

Background and objectives

ixisio /
Last active September 7, 2019 14:32
The LEBRON stack
ixisio /
Last active February 27, 2018 22:58
[WEB] Automated performance regression testing