function clickAccessEmailIfAvailable() { const tbodys = document.querySelectorAll( ".finder-results-list-panel-content table tbody" ); for (let i = 0; i < tbodys.length; i++) { const tbody = tbodys[i]; const buttons = tbody.querySelectorAll("button"); // Create an array to store buttons with text including "Access Email" const filteredButtons = []; // Loop through the selected buttons and filter them buttons.forEach((button) => { if (button.textContent.includes("Access Email")) { filteredButtons.push(button); } }); if (filteredButtons.length === 1) { filteredButtons[0].click(); } } } function scrapePeople() { const people = []; const tbodys = document.querySelectorAll( ".finder-results-list-panel-content table tbody" ); for (let i = 0; i < tbodys.length; i++) { const tbody = tbodys[i]; const name = tbody.querySelector("tr td:nth-child(1)").textContent; const firstName = name?.split(" ")?.[0]; const lastName = name?.split(" ")?.[1]; const title = tbody.querySelector("tr td:nth-child(2)").textContent; const company = tbody.querySelector( "tr td:nth-child(3) > span > div > div" ).textContent; const location = tbody.querySelector("tr td:nth-child(5)").textContent; const employeeCount = tbody.querySelector("tr td:nth-child(6)").textContent; const email = tbody.querySelector("tr td:nth-child(7)").textContent; const industry = tbody.querySelector("tr td:nth-child(8)").textContent; const keywords = tbody.querySelector("tr td:nth-child(9)").textContent; people.push({ name, firstName, lastName, title, company, location, employeeCount, email, industry, keywords, }); } console.log("people", people); return people; } function createCSV(jsonData, fileName) { // Convert JSON to CSV const csvData = []; // Extract the headers const headers = Object.keys(jsonData[0]); csvData.push(headers.join(",")); jsonData.forEach((item) => { const row = []; for (const key in item) { if (item.hasOwnProperty(key)) { const value = item[key]?.includes(",") ? `"${item[key]}"` : item[key]; row.push(value); } } csvData.push(row.join(",")); }); // Create a Blob containing the CSV data const csvBlob = new Blob([csvData.join("\n")], { type: "text/csv;charset=utf-8", }); // Create a URL for the Blob const csvUrl = URL.createObjectURL(csvBlob); // Create a link element const link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = csvUrl; = "_blank"; = fileName; // Append the link to the body document.body.appendChild(link); // Trigger a click event on the link; // Remove the link and revoke the Blob URL document.body.removeChild(link); URL.revokeObjectURL(csvUrl); } async function scrapeApollo() { const people = []; let page = 1; let nextButton = document.querySelector("button[aria-label='right-arrow']"); let disabled = nextButton.disabled; while (!disabled) { console.log( `Scraping page ${page}. If you need anything else web scraped, email me:` ); const peeps = scrapePeople(); people.push(...peeps); nextButton = document.querySelector("button[aria-label='right-arrow']"); disabled = nextButton.disabled;; await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000)); page++; } console.log( `Congrats! 🎉 You just scraped ${people.length} profiles! If you want more leads, or want anything else scraped, email me:` ); createCSV(people, `apollo_${new Date().getTime()}.csv`); } await scrapeApollo();