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ideoforms /
Created October 28, 2013 20:36
Python: Retrieve filename of currently-open Ableton Live set
# Python: Retrieve filename of currently-open Ableton Live set
# based on inspecting Live's last Log.txt.
import re
import os
import glob
# Use Log.txt corresponding to latest Live version. eg:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# a script to analyse a set of files to illustrate how the panning tends to vary by frequency, via a simple FFT analysis.
# - Python (was tested on 2.7)
# - Python modules:
# - numpy
# - scikits.audiolab
# - matplotlib
ideoforms /
Created September 25, 2014 18:49
download and recompile bash to patch the shellshock vulnerability
# download and recompile bash to patch the shellshock vulnerability
# when built, replace your system /bin/bash (and /bin/sh)
# with bash-4.3/bash
# to verify the fix:
# env X="() { :;} ; echo vulnerable" | bash -c "echo completed"
ideoforms /
Last active December 19, 2024 09:09
sox cheat sheet
# sox cheat sheet
# Example commands for the sox command-line audio processing tool,
# for manipulating or batch processing audio files.
# Daniel Jones <[email protected]>
ideoforms / bluetooth-16-bit-uuids-2022-05-19.csv
Last active May 8, 2024 00:56
Bluetooth 16-bit UUID Numbers in csv (from revision 2022-05-19)
allocation_type uuid allocated_for
Protocol Identifier 0x0001 SDP
Protocol Identifier 0x0002 UDP
Protocol Identifier 0x0003 RFCOMM
Protocol Identifier 0x0004 TCP
Protocol Identifier 0x0005 TCS-BIN
Protocol Identifier 0x0006 TCS-AT
Protocol Identifier 0x0007 ATT
Protocol Identifier 0x0008 OBEX
Protocol Identifier 0x0009 IP