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Andrew Zheng hamxiaoz

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// loop over all rows in spreadsheet (note: watch out for header row!)
for (var i = 9000; i <= numRows - 1; i++) {
row = values[i];
address = row[0];
lat = row[1];
// skip if we've already done this row (for repeat runs etc)
if (typeof lat === "number"){ continue; }

Tutorial: Meteor in Windows using Vagrant

These days some people were discussing at meteor-talk group about running Meteor at Windows and I’ve recommended them using Vagrant. It’s a very developer-friendly piece of software that creates a virtual machine (VM) which let you run any operating system wanted and connect to it without big efforts of configuration (just make the initial installation and you have it working).

Many packages (I've tested) for running Meteor+Vagrant fails because Meteor writes its mongodb file and also other files inside local build folder into a shared folder between the Windows host and the Linux guest, and it simply does not work. So I've put my brain to work and found a solution: do symlinks inside the VM (but do not use ln. Use mount so git can follow it). It’s covered on steps 8 to 15.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, I’ve made a tutorial to install Ubuntu Precise x86 through Windows command-line with Meteor very simple to follow

// Example:
// 104-116-116-112-58-47-47-103-105-116-104-117-98-46-99-111-109-47-99-104-114-105-115-47-112-114-111-106-101-99-116-49-50-51-47-98-108-111-98-47-109-97-115-116-101-114-47-110-101-119-95-109-97-105-108-101-114-47-105-110-115-116-97-108-108-45-102-105-108-101-46-114-98
function string2charCodeString (s){
if(typeof(s) != 'string') return false;
a = [];
f = s.length;
for (i = 0; i<f; i++) {
a[i] = s.charCodeAt(i);
hamxiaoz /
Last active February 8, 2019 12:58
Meteor CRUD form with AutoForm: tab and editor style
# jade
h4 Product Numbers
each productNumbers
+autoForm collection="ProductScopes" id="insertProductScopeForm" type='insert'
+afQuickField name='name'
.form-group(class="{{#if afFieldIsInvalid name='color'}}has-error{{/if}}")
+afFieldLabel name='color'
+afFieldInput name='color'
if afFieldIsInvalid name='color' {{afFieldMessage name='color'}}
button.btn.btn-primary(type="submit") Insert
hamxiaoz / UI events
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
Helpers or Utilities I used in Meteor.js project
// search no more than 2 times per second
var setUserFilter = _.throttle(function(template) {
var search = template.find(".search-input-filter").value;
Session.set("userFilter", search);
}, 500);{
'keyup .search-input-filter': function(event, template) {
hamxiaoz / gist:d3029c9fba8d0faaaa0d
Created December 3, 2014 19:40
Datatables init
scrollX: true
scrollY: '600px'
scrollCollapse: true
paging: false
destroy: true
dom: 'lrtip' # remove filter but keep 'searching' option in order to make column filter work
# table row select effect
$('#channels-table tbody tr').on 'click', (e)->
hamxiaoz / CoffeeScript
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
In place edit in Meteor using template instance and afterFlush
Template.imageDescription.onCreated ->
template = this
# template level instance
template.editing = new ReactiveVar(false)
template.saving = new ReactiveVar(false)
# Automatically focus the input
Tracker.autorun ->
editing = template.editing.get()
if editing
hamxiaoz / save.js
Created July 26, 2015 16:41
A way to generate and download CSV files client-side
var blob = new Blob([csvString]);
if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) // IE hack; see
window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, "filename.csv");
var a = window.document.createElement("a");
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob, {type: "text/plain"}); = "filename.csv";
hamxiaoz / olv.cs
Created February 16, 2016 18:46
Ultra fast real-time data display in ObjectListView
// Refresh the data in timer or in live data update callback
this.timer.Tick += (s, e) => {
// draw the live value
using (Graphics g = this.dataListView1.CreateGraphics())
// shrink the drawing area so that the grid line and selection color can be seen.
Rectangle r = lvi.GetSubItem(4).Bounds;
r.Inflate(-2, -2);
// use double buffer to avoid flicker