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ThomasBurleson / untilDestroyed.ts
Last active April 18, 2023 07:47
Using untilViewDestroyed to link component ngOnDestroy to observable unsubscribe.
* When manually subscribing to an observable in a view component, developers are traditionally required
* to unsubscribe during ngOnDestroy. This utility method auto-configures and manages that relationship
* by watching the DOM with a MutationObserver and internally using the takeUntil RxJS operator.
* Angular 7 has stricter enforcements and throws errors with monkey-patching of view component life-cycle methods.
* Here is an updated version that uses MutationObserver to accomplish the same goal.
* @code
PCreations /
Last active September 26, 2024 01:44
Super Intuitive Interactive Diagrams to learn combining RxJS sequences by Max NgWizard K
evantoli /
Last active December 11, 2024 01:58
Configure Git to use a proxy

Configure Git to use a proxy

In Brief

You may need to configure a proxy server if you're having trouble cloning or fetching from a remote repository or getting an error like unable to access '...' Couldn't resolve host '...'.

Consider something like: