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Last active May 7, 2019 12:24
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  • Save glassdfir/2f19d8da6ad072b8651d0b2c4536a3db to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save glassdfir/2f19d8da6ad072b8651d0b2c4536a3db to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
{ "op": "Conditional Jump",
"args": ["^(\\x01|\\x02)", true, "Error", 10] },
{ "op": "Find / Replace",
"args": [{ "option": "Regex", "string": "^(\\x02.{23})(....)" }, "$1", false, false, false, false] },
{ "op": "Subsection",
"args": ["^.{24}(.*)", true, true, false] },
{ "op": "Decode text",
"args": ["UTF16LE (1200)"] },
{ "op": "Find / Replace",
"args": [{ "option": "Regex", "string": "^(.*)." }, "\\nDeleted File Path: $1", false, false, false, false] },
{ "op": "Merge",
"args": [] },
{ "op": "Subsection",
"args": ["^.{16}(.{8})", false, true, false] },
{ "op": "Swap endianness",
"args": ["Raw", 8, true] },
{ "op": "To Hex",
"args": ["None"] },
{ "op": "Windows Filetime to UNIX Timestamp",
"args": ["Seconds (s)", "Hex"] },
{ "op": "From UNIX Timestamp",
"args": ["Seconds (s)"] },
{ "op": "Find / Replace",
"args": [{ "option": "Regex", "string": "^(.* UTC)" }, "\\nFile Deletion Time: $1", true, false, true, false] },
{ "op": "Merge",
"args": [] },
{ "op": "Subsection",
"args": ["^.{8}(.{8})", true, true, false] },
{ "op": "To Hex",
"args": ["None"] },
{ "op": "Swap endianness",
"args": ["Hex", 8, true] },
{ "op": "From Base",
"args": [16] },
{ "op": "Find / Replace",
"args": [{ "option": "Regex", "string": "^(.*)" }, "\\nDeleted File Size: $1 bytes", true, false, true, true] },
{ "op": "Merge",
"args": [] },
{ "op": "Find / Replace",
"args": [{ "option": "Regex", "string": "^.{8}" }, "******** WINDOWS RECYCLE BIN METADATA ********", true, false, false, false] },
{ "op": "Jump",
"args": ["Do Nothing", 10] },
{ "op": "Label",
"args": ["Error"] },
{ "op": "Find / Replace",
"args": [{ "option": "Regex", "string": "^.*$" }, "This doesn't look like a Recycle Bin file to me ", true, false, true, false] },
{ "op": "Label",
"args": ["Do Nothing"] }
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