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Philip Gardner gaahrdner

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Expire page /Users/pheezy/code/x/public/applications/app-name.html (0.0ms)
Expire page /Users/pheezy/code/x/public/applications.html (0.0ms)
Expire fragment views/localhost:3000/applications/app-name (0.1ms)
Expire fragment views/localhost:3000/applications (0.1ms)
# caching
### guard -d
Guard is now watching at '/home/code/blah'
DEBUG (09:44:05): Hook :start_begin executed for Guard::Spork
DEBUG (09:44:05): Command execution: ps aux | awk '/spork/&&!/awk/{print $2;}'
DEBUG (09:44:05): Killing Spork servers with PID:
DEBUG (09:44:05): Command execution: ps aux | awk '/spork/&&!/awk/{print $2;}'
Starting Spork for RSpec
DEBUG (09:44:05): Spawned Spork server 5669 ('bundle exec spork -p 8989')
DEBUG (09:44:05): Command execution: ps aux | awk '/spork/&&!/awk/{print $2;}'
### application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, :with => :not_found
def not_found(exception)
respond_to do |format|
h = { :status => "error", :message => exception.message }
format.html { render :file => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/404.html", :status => :not_found }
describe ApplicationsController do
let(:application) { Factory.create(:application) }
subject { application }
context "JSON" do
gaahrdner / openconnect.rb
Created May 2, 2012 02:40
openconnect 3.18. homebrew formulae
require 'formula'
class Openconnect < Formula
url ''
homepage ''
md5 '5a440ad946cfec0f1ee7ee5519081cf1'
depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build
depends_on 'gettext' => :build
gaahrdner /
Created November 16, 2012 15:29
bash script for a pull version of dynamic puppet environments, when you don't have post-receive hooks
#! /bin/bash
# This script takes two arguments:
# * the repository URL for your puppet modules
# * the destination directory to check out all the branches into
# It then checks out all possible branches so you can have dynamic environments
# It would probably work better if we just checkout master instead of multiple
# cloning operations, but we'll leave that for version 2
gaahrdner / ruby_quiz_154.rb
Last active December 15, 2015 11:09
Ruby Quiz #154
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
coins = {
:penny => { :value => 0.01, :count => 0 },
:nickel => { :value => 0.05, :count => 0 },
:dime => { :value => 0.1, :count => 0 },
:quarter => { :value => 0.25, :count => 0 }
amount = ARGV[0].to_f.round(2)

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am gaahrdner on github.
  • I am gaahrdner ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is C04F 7094 4FFD 05F9 668B 74E7 2758 7EC9 7B15 81B0

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Fri Aug 4 15:40:47 UTC 2017
image: linuxkit/kernel:4.19.46
cmdline: "console=ttyS0"
- linuxkit/init:v0.7
- linuxkit/runc:v0.7
- linuxkit/containerd:v0.7
- linuxkit/ca-certificates:v0.7
- name: modprobe