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Friedrich Markgraf fzwo

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fzwo /
Last active April 10, 2016 08:33
Create a complete class-dump of Xcode, ready for adding to an empty Xcode project for all your header-ogling needs.
# Creates a complete class-dump of Xcode and all its libs and internal plug-ins.
# Assumes you have Class-Dump in your path and Xcode at the location set via `xcode-select`.
xcodePath=`xcode-select -p`
sourceXcodeRootPath="$(dirname "$xcodePath")"
echo "Dumping from Xcode: $sourceXcodeRootPath"
fzwo /
Last active November 12, 2024 05:19
Download and view old Apple developer documentation

How to download and view legacy documentation from Apple (no need to sign in to your dev account)

  1. Download the docset index XML.
  2. Find the docset you want (there are some with URL; ignore them - you will find them again further down the file with a working URL).
  3. Download the dmg. It's probably around a gigabyte or so.
  4. "Install" the .pkg file somewhere on your disk. If you don't trust the installer, do it manually:
    1. Find the largest file, named Payload, and extract it using The Unarchiver.
    2. This creates a new, even larger file, probably named Payload-1.
    3. Extract Payload-1 using The Unarchiver.
  5. After many minutes of extracting, we have our .docset file.