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Selenium - Drop a file from the desktop on a drop area
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement import WebElement
import os.path
# JavaScript: HTML5 File drop
# source :
# param1 WebElement : Drop area element
# param2 Double : Optional - Drop offset x relative to the top/left corner of the drop area. Center if 0.
# param3 Double : Optional - Drop offset y relative to the top/left corner of the drop area. Center if 0.
# return WebElement : File input
JS_DROP_FILES = "var k=arguments,d=k[0],g=k[1],c=k[2],m=d.ownerDocument||document;for(var e=0;;){var f=d.getBoundingClientRect(),b=f.left+(g||(f.width/2)),||(f.height/2)),h=m.elementFromPoint(b,a);if(h&&d.contains(h)){break}if(++e>1){var j=new Error('Element not interactable');j.code=15;throw j}d.scrollIntoView({behavior:'instant',block:'center',inline:'center'})}var l=m.createElement('INPUT');l.setAttribute('type','file');l.setAttribute('multiple','');l.setAttribute('style','position:fixed;z-index:2147483647;left:0;top:0;');l.onchange=function(q){l.parentElement.removeChild(l);q.stopPropagation();var r={constructor:DataTransfer,effectAllowed:'all',dropEffect:'none',types:['Files'],files:l.files,setData:function u(){},getData:function o(){},clearData:function s(){},setDragImage:function i(){}};if(window.DataTransferItemList){r.items=Object.setPrototypeOf(,function(x){return{constructor:DataTransferItem,kind:'file',type:x.type,getAsFile:function v(){return x},getAsString:function y(A){var z=new FileReader();z.onload=function(B){A(};z.readAsText(x)},webkitGetAsEntry:function w(){return{constructor:FileSystemFileEntry,,fullPath:'/',isFile:true,isDirectory:false,file:function z(A){A(x)}}}}}),{constructor:DataTransferItemList,add:function t(){},clear:function p(){},remove:function n(){}})}['dragenter','dragover','drop'].forEach(function(v){var w=m.createEvent('DragEvent');w.initMouseEvent(v,true,true,m.defaultView,0,0,0,b,a,false,false,false,false,0,null);Object.setPrototypeOf(w,null);w.dataTransfer=r;Object.setPrototypeOf(w,DragEvent.prototype);h.dispatchEvent(w)})};m.documentElement.appendChild(l);l.getBoundingClientRect();return l"
def drop_files(element, files, offsetX=0, offsetY=0):
driver = element.parent
isLocal = not driver._is_remote or '' in driver.command_executor._url
paths = []
# ensure files are present, and upload to the remote server if session is remote
for file in (files if isinstance(files, list) else [files]) :
if not os.path.isfile(file) :
raise FileNotFoundError(file)
paths.append(file if isLocal else element._upload(file))
value = '\n'.join(paths)
elm_input = driver.execute_script(JS_DROP_FILES, element, offsetX, offsetY)
elm_input._execute('sendKeysToElement', {'value': [value], 'text': value})
WebElement.drop_files = drop_files
############################# USAGE EXAMPLE #############################
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
dropzone = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("[data-preview='Basic example'] [style]")
# drop a single file
# drop two files
dropzone.drop_files(["C:\\temp\\image1.png", "C:\\temp\\image2.png"])
# drop a file by offset
dropzone.drop_files("C:\\temp\\image1.png", offsetX=25, offsetY=25)
var args = arguments,
element = args[0],
offsetX = args[1],
offsetY = args[2],
doc = element.ownerDocument || document;
for (var i = 0; ;) {
var box = element.getBoundingClientRect(),
clientX = box.left + (offsetX || (box.width / 2)),
clientY = + (offsetY || (box.height / 2)),
target = doc.elementFromPoint(clientX, clientY);
if (target && element.contains(target))
if (++i > 1) {
var ex = new Error('Element not interactable');
ex.code = 15;
throw ex;
element.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'instant', block: 'center', inline: 'center'});
var input = doc.createElement('INPUT');
input.setAttribute('type', 'file');
input.setAttribute('multiple', '');
input.setAttribute('style', 'position:fixed;z-index:2147483647;left:0;top:0;');
input.onchange = function (ev) {
var dataTransfer = {
constructor : DataTransfer,
effectAllowed : 'all',
dropEffect : 'none',
types : [ 'Files' ],
files : input.files,
setData : function setData(){},
getData : function getData(){},
clearData : function clearData(){},
setDragImage : function setDragImage(){}
if (window.DataTransferItemList) {
dataTransfer.items = Object.setPrototypeOf(, function(f) {
return {
constructor : DataTransferItem,
kind : 'file',
type : f.type,
getAsFile : function getAsFile () { return f },
getAsString : function getAsString (callback) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(ev) { callback( };
webkitGetAsEntry : function webkitGetAsEntry () {
return {
constructor : FileSystemFileEntry,
name :,
fullPath : '/' +,
isFile : true,
isDirectory : false,
file : function file (callback) { callback(f) }
}), {
constructor : DataTransferItemList,
add : function add(){},
clear : function clear(){},
remove : function remove(){}
['dragenter', 'dragover', 'drop'].forEach(function (type) {
var event = doc.createEvent('DragEvent');
event.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, doc.defaultView, 0, 0, 0, clientX, clientY, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
Object.setPrototypeOf(event, null);
event.dataTransfer = dataTransfer;
Object.setPrototypeOf(event, DragEvent.prototype);
input.getBoundingClientRect(); /* force reflow for Firefox */
return input;
var k=arguments,d=k[0],g=k[1],c=k[2],m=d.ownerDocument||document;for(var e=0;;){var f=d.getBoundingClientRect(),b=f.left+(g||(f.width/2)),||(f.height/2)),h=m.elementFromPoint(b,a);if(h&&d.contains(h)){break}if(++e>1){var j=new Error('Element not interactable');j.code=15;throw j}d.scrollIntoView({behavior:'instant',block:'center',inline:'center'})}var l=m.createElement('INPUT');l.setAttribute('type','file');l.setAttribute('multiple','');l.setAttribute('style','position:fixed;z-index:2147483647;left:0;top:0;');l.onchange=function(q){l.parentElement.removeChild(l);q.stopPropagation();var r={constructor:DataTransfer,effectAllowed:'all',dropEffect:'none',types:['Files'],files:l.files,setData:function u(){},getData:function o(){},clearData:function s(){},setDragImage:function i(){}};if(window.DataTransferItemList){r.items=Object.setPrototypeOf(,function(x){return{constructor:DataTransferItem,kind:'file',type:x.type,getAsFile:function v(){return x},getAsString:function y(A){var z=new FileReader();z.onload=function(B){A(};z.readAsText(x)},webkitGetAsEntry:function w(){return{constructor:FileSystemFileEntry,,fullPath:'/',isFile:true,isDirectory:false,file:function z(A){A(x)}}}}}),{constructor:DataTransferItemList,add:function t(){},clear:function p(){},remove:function n(){}})}['dragenter','dragover','drop'].forEach(function(v){var w=m.createEvent('DragEvent');w.initMouseEvent(v,true,true,m.defaultView,0,0,0,b,a,false,false,false,false,0,null);Object.setPrototypeOf(w,null);w.dataTransfer=r;Object.setPrototypeOf(w,DragEvent.prototype);h.dispatchEvent(w)})};m.documentElement.appendChild(l);l.getBoundingClientRect();return l
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It worked wonderfully, it saved my life, thanks!

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t worked wonderfully!! Thanks a lot, you save my time!

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This is awsome. It helped me save 3 hrs everyday.!!
Thank you for posting this.

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Can anyone tell me that where I have to put wd-drop-file.js in project?

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Theramas commented Apr 1, 2021

Worked great with files!
But I currently need to drag and drop folder. What JS script can I use for that?

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Works for me as well) Thanks a lot!

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katybaulch commented Sep 2, 2021

florenbr> @Theramas

Worked great with files!
But I currently need to drag and drop folder. What JS script can I use for that?

I recently needed to do this. I've extended @florenbr 's code to check whether the path given to drop_files() is a directory, and if so to iterate through all the files in the directory and append them to the master list.

def drop_files(element, paths_to_upload, offsetX= 0, offsetY= 0):
    """Drag and drop datainto the Dropzone.

    driver = element.parent
    isLocal = not driver._is_remote or "" in driver.command_executor._url
    files_to_upload = []

    # Ensure files are present, and upload to the remote server if the session is remote.
    for path_to_upload in (
        paths_to_upload if isinstance(paths_to_upload, list) else [paths_to_upload]
        if isdir(path_to_upload):
            all_files = []

            # Get the list of all files in the directory tree at the given path.
            for path, _, files in walk(path_to_upload):
                all_files += [join(path, name) for name in files]

            # Add each file in the directory to the list of files to drop into the Dropzone.
            for file in all_files:
                files_to_upload.append(file if isLocal else element._upload(file))

        elif isfile(path_to_upload):
            # Add the file to the list of files to drop into the Dropzone.
                path_to_upload if isLocal else element._upload(path_to_upload)

            raise FileNotFoundError(path_to_upload)

    elm_input = driver.execute_script(JS_DROP_FILES, element, offsetX, offsetY)

    value = "\n".join(files_to_upload)
    elm_input._execute("sendKeysToElement", {"value": [value], "text": value})

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not working for me .. getting error TypeError e.webkitGetAsEntry is not a function (java)

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@sandip2421, i've added the webkitGetAsEntry even though it's non standard. It should work as long as the webpage doesn't try to access the filesystem api.

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I used this code in headless mode but this error occurred var ex = new Error('Element not interactable');, can you help me? thanks

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@carl-pki For headless, you need to set the window size. this is what I do:

if data['headless']:
    options = Options()
    options.add_argument('--disable-gpu')  # Last I checked this was necessary.
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
driver.set_window_size(1547, 1102)

As You can see, I am using Chrome... But I'm sure it applies to other browsers

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raishid commented Jul 19, 2022

and trying to use this code in an implementation to upload files with this method to Google Drive but notice that it stays in this can someone try?

here the code...

`from undetected_chromedriver import Chrome
from undetected_chromedriver import ChromeOptions
from selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement import WebElement
import os
from time import sleep

opts = ChromeOptions()
opts.add_argument(f"--user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36")

driver = Chrome(executable_path=f'{os.getcwd()}/driver/chromedriver.exe', options=opts)


JS_DROP_FILES = "var k=arguments,d=k[0],g=k[1],c=k[2],m=d.ownerDocument||document;for(var e=0;;){var f=d.getBoundingClientRect(),b=f.left+(g||(f.width/2)),||(f.height/2)),h=m.elementFromPoint(b,a);if(h&&d.contains(h)){break}if(++e>1){var j=new Error('Element not interactable');j.code=15;throw j}d.scrollIntoView({behavior:'instant',block:'center',inline:'center'})}var l=m.createElement('INPUT');l.setAttribute('type','file');l.setAttribute('multiple','');l.setAttribute('style','position:fixed;z-index:2147483647;left:0;top:0;');l.onchange=function(q){l.parentElement.removeChild(l);q.stopPropagation();var r={constructor:DataTransfer,effectAllowed:'all',dropEffect:'none',types:['Files'],files:l.files,setData:function u(){},getData:function o(){},clearData:function s(){},setDragImage:function i(){}};if(window.DataTransferItemList){r.items=Object.setPrototypeOf(,function(x){return{constructor:DataTransferItem,kind:'file',type:x.type,getAsFile:function v(){return x},getAsString:function y(A){var z=new FileReader();z.onload=function(B){A(};z.readAsText(x)},webkitGetAsEntry:function w(){return{constructor:FileSystemFileEntry,,fullPath:'/',isFile:true,isDirectory:false,file:function z(A){A(x)}}}}}),{constructor:DataTransferItemList,add:function t(){},clear:function p(){},remove:function n(){}})}['dragenter','dragover','drop'].forEach(function(v){var w=m.createEvent('DragEvent');w.initMouseEvent(v,true,true,m.defaultView,0,0,0,b,a,false,false,false,false,0,null);Object.setPrototypeOf(w,null);w.dataTransfer=r;Object.setPrototypeOf(w,DragEvent.prototype);h.dispatchEvent(w)})};m.documentElement.appendChild(l);l.getBoundingClientRect();return l"

def drop_files(element, files, offsetX=0, offsetY=0):
driver = element.parent
isLocal = not driver._is_remote or '' in driver.command_executor._url
paths = []

# ensure files are present, and upload to the remote server if session is remote
for file in (files if isinstance(files, list) else [files]):
    if not os.path.isfile(file):
        raise FileNotFoundError(file)
    paths.append(file if isLocal else element._upload(file))

value = '\n'.join(paths)
elm_input = driver.execute_script(JS_DROP_FILES, element, offsetX, offsetY)
elm_input._execute('sendKeysToElement', {'value': [value], 'text': value})

WebElement.drop_files = drop_files
dropzone = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//c-wiz[@data-region-root]')



with this code it stays on this screen and does not go up.

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worked straight out of the box!! o7
the only solution on the internet that actually solves the problem without beating around the bush.

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hieult37 commented Mar 7, 2024

Hi guys,
I tried to test it and get the error message.

selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: <unknown>: Element not interactable

Can any one can help me resolve it?

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Frikkn unbelievable thank you!

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