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felixge/byte.txt Secret

Last active January 19, 2023 16:32
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$ traceutils breakdown bytes big.trace
| EventGoSysCall | 63.1 MB | 21.84% |
| EventGoCreate | 60.2 MB | 20.86% |
| EventGoStartLocal | 44.6 MB | 15.44% |
| EventGoUnblock | 38.5 MB | 13.34% |
| EventGoStart | 19.8 MB | 6.85% |
| EventGoBlockRecv | 14.7 MB | 5.09% |
| EventHeapAlloc | 14.1 MB | 4.90% |
| EventGoEnd | 11.1 MB | 3.83% |
| EventGoSched | 8.7 MB | 3.00% |
| EventGoUnblockLocal | 4.8 MB | 1.67% |
| EventGoBlockSync | 4.7 MB | 1.63% |
| EventGoSysExit | 1.1 MB | 0.37% |
| EventStack | 783.3 kB | 0.27% |
| EventCPUSample | 497.4 kB | 0.17% |
| EventProcStart | 445.9 kB | 0.15% |
| EventGoBlockSend | 291.5 kB | 0.10% |
| EventGoSysBlock | 284.1 kB | 0.10% |
| EventGCSweepDone | 275.7 kB | 0.10% |
| EventProcStop | 218.9 kB | 0.08% |
| EventGCSweepStart | 202.3 kB | 0.07% |
| EventGoBlockSelect | 184.8 kB | 0.06% |
| EventString | 72.5 kB | 0.03% |
| EventBatch | 36.2 kB | 0.01% |
| EventGoPreempt | 34.4 kB | 0.01% |
| EventGoBlock | 28.1 kB | 0.01% |
| EventGCMarkAssistStart | 27.3 kB | 0.01% |
| EventGCMarkAssistDone | 21.5 kB | 0.01% |
| EventGoStartLabel | 14.8 kB | 0.01% |
| EventGoWaiting | 9.4 kB | 0.00% |
| EventGoBlockNet | 2.1 kB | 0.00% |
| EventGoSleep | 364 B | 0.00% |
| EventGomaxprocs | 49 B | 0.00% |
| EventGCSTWStart | 39 B | 0.00% |
| EventHeapGoal | 28 B | 0.00% |
| EventGCSTWDone | 24 B | 0.00% |
| EventGCStart | 20 B | 0.00% |
| EventGoInSyscall | 16 B | 0.00% |
| EventGCDone | 8 B | 0.00% |
| EventFrequency | 5 B | 0.00% |
| EventGoBlockCond | 5 B | 0.00% |
| TOTAL | 288.7 MB | 100.00% |
$ traceutils breakdown count big.trace
| EventGoSysCall | 16931988 | 31.29% |
| EventGoStartLocal | 9668954 | 17.87% |
| EventGoCreate | 5399021 | 9.98% |
| EventGoEnd | 5396637 | 9.97% |
| EventGoUnblock | 4049678 | 7.48% |
| EventGoBlockRecv | 3527128 | 6.52% |
| EventGoStart | 2734709 | 5.05% |
| EventGoSched | 2163434 | 4.00% |
| EventHeapAlloc | 1796576 | 3.32% |
| EventGoBlockSync | 1099191 | 2.03% |
| EventGoUnblockLocal | 699891 | 1.29% |
| EventProcStart | 98202 | 0.18% |
| EventProcStop | 98201 | 0.18% |
| EventGoSysBlock | 89124 | 0.16% |
| EventGoSysExit | 89123 | 0.16% |
| EventGoBlockSend | 71860 | 0.13% |
| EventGoBlockSelect | 44214 | 0.08% |
| EventGCSweepStart | 41548 | 0.08% |
| EventGCSweepDone | 41548 | 0.08% |
| EventCPUSample | 30908 | 0.06% |
| EventStack | 8154 | 0.02% |
| EventGoPreempt | 7350 | 0.01% |
| EventGoBlock | 6620 | 0.01% |
| EventGCMarkAssistDone | 5881 | 0.01% |
| EventGCMarkAssistStart | 5881 | 0.01% |
| EventBatch | 4527 | 0.01% |
| EventGoStartLabel | 2452 | 0.00% |
| EventGoWaiting | 2377 | 0.00% |
| EventString | 1502 | 0.00% |
| EventGoBlockNet | 465 | 0.00% |
| EventGoSleep | 91 | 0.00% |
| EventGomaxprocs | 9 | 0.00% |
| EventGCSTWDone | 8 | 0.00% |
| EventGCSTWStart | 8 | 0.00% |
| EventHeapGoal | 4 | 0.00% |
| EventGoInSyscall | 4 | 0.00% |
| EventGCDone | 4 | 0.00% |
| EventGCStart | 4 | 0.00% |
| EventGoBlockCond | 1 | 0.00% |
| EventFrequency | 1 | 0.00% |
| TOTAL | 54117278 | 100.00% |
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