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Last active December 22, 2024 08:02
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uncheck twitter interests
var timer=100;document.querySelectorAll("div > input[type='checkbox']:checked").forEach((interest) => {setTimeout(function(){},timer);timer+=2000;});
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Hizaak commented Mar 25, 2022

[ To completely block Twitter's subjects / topics / "You might be interested in" etc. ]
I was looking for a while to find back THIS solution, wich seems to actually be one of the most efficient to prevent this kind of annoying stuff that Twitters shows us :

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tomyvi commented Aug 2, 2022

Works like a charm, thanks @eviltester !!

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zhSHUVO commented Dec 19, 2022

This one works for me in Chrome

  1. Browse to
  2. Open developer tools and enter following one-liner into your console
$$('input:checked').forEach( (w) => { } ); console.log('done');

this worked for me quicker then other solutions, i'm using brave browser. thanks.

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kissu commented Dec 19, 2022

Twitter is kinda dead nowadays 💀, I guess we can safely all move toward Mastodon. 👍

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amalic commented Dec 19, 2022

This one works for me in Chrome

  1. Browse to
  2. Open developer tools and enter following one-liner into your console
$$('input:checked').forEach( (w) => { } ); console.log('done');

this worked for me quicker then other solutions, i'm using brave browser. thanks.


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If you have a lot of checked interests, X will start to ignore your requests and return a 503 HTTP error if you uncheck them too fast.
Here is a script that uncheck interests every 2 seconds, just launch it and wait until the counter has reached the end.

var counter = 0;
var wait = 2000;
var interests = $$('input:checked');

interests.forEach( (w) => {
    var current = counter;
    setTimeout(() => {
        console.log(current + '/' + interests.length);;
    }, wait * counter);

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I used the code @jcambien wrote and it worked as expected, though the rate limiter was triggered after a while. Nevertheless, I waited a few minutes and reran the script, then all checkboxes were unchecked.

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