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Created January 15, 2021 02:54
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  • Save Gourds/ef955e8d60c13c493650a0e6c43cbf64 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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{"level":"warn","ts":1610679081.2924669,"msg":"setting `vouch.cookie.maxage` to `vouch.jwt.maxage` value of 240 minutes (curently set to 14400 minutes)"}
{"level":"info","ts":1610679081.2925816,"msg":"jwt.secret read from /config/secret"}
{"level":"warn","ts":1610679081.2925868,"msg":"generating random session.key"}
{"level":"info","ts":1610679081.2926939,"msg":"configuring oidc OAuth with Endpoint"}
{"level":"debug","ts":1610679081.2927024,"msg":"cfg.RootDir: /"}
{"level":"debug","ts":1610679081.2928448,"msg":"viper settings map[oauth:map[auth_url: callback_urls:[] client_id:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx client_secret:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx provider:oidc scopes:[openid email] token_url: user_info_url:] vouch:map[allowallusers:true cookie:map[ maxage:14400 name:VouchCookie samesite:lax secure:false] headers:map[jwt:X-Vouch-Token querystring:access_token redirect:X-Vouch-Requested-URI] listen: loglevel:debug port:9090 testing:true]]"}
{"level":"debug","ts":1610679081.2928789,"msg":"cfg.GenOauth &{Provider:oidc ClientID:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ClientSecret:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AuthURL: TokenURL: LogoutURL: RedirectURL: RedirectURLs:[] Scopes:[openid email] UserInfoURL: UserTeamURL: UserOrgURL: CodeChallengeMethod:}"}
2021-01-15T02:51:21.292Z INFO testing: true, using development console logger
2021-01-15T02:51:21.292Z DEBUG vouch.jwt.secret is 44 characters long
2021-01-15T02:51:21.292Z DEBUG vouch.session.key is 44 characters long
2021-01-15T02:51:21.292Z INFO jwtcache: the returned headers for a valid jwt will be cached for 20 minutes
2021-01-15T02:51:21.292Z DEBUG responses.Configure() attempting to parse templates with cfg.RootDir: /
{"level":"debug","ts":1610679081.2931523,"msg":"checking availability of tcp port:"}
{"level":"info","ts":1610679081.2933187,"msg":"starting Vouch Proxy","version":"4fe43a2","buildtime":"2021-01-13T21:12:14Z","buildhost":"d218748f53a5","branch":"master","semver":"v0.19.2","listen":"","tls":false,"oauth.provider":"oidc"}
{"level":"debug","ts":1610679081.2934818,"msg":"serving static files from /static"}
2021-01-15T02:51:47.839Z DEBUG /auth
2021-01-15T02:51:47.840Z ERROR /auth Invalid session state: stored %!s(<nil>), returned ef2ef0f5b7450a91c1d794001f9faa63G3yQdCe1Xix_idp
2021-01-15T02:51:47.840Z DEBUG setting the cookie domain to
2021-01-15T02:51:47.840Z DEBUG deleting cookie: VouchCookie
2021-01-15T02:51:47.840Z DEBUG CaptureWriter.Write set w.StatusCode 400
2021-01-15T02:51:47.840Z DEBUG rendering error for user: 400 Bad Request
2021-01-15T02:51:47.840Z INFO |400| 499.738µs /auth {"statusCode": 400, "request": 1, "latency": "499.738µs", "avgLatency": "499.738µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/auth", "referer": ""}
2021-01-15T02:52:07.932Z DEBUG /auth
2021-01-15T02:52:07.932Z ERROR /auth Invalid session state: stored %!s(<nil>), returned ef2ef0f5b7450a91c1d794001f9faa63G3yQdCe1Xix_idp
2021-01-15T02:52:07.932Z DEBUG setting the cookie domain to
2021-01-15T02:52:07.932Z DEBUG CaptureWriter.Write set w.StatusCode 400
2021-01-15T02:52:07.932Z DEBUG rendering error for user: 400 Bad Request
2021-01-15T02:52:07.932Z INFO |400| 140.515µs /auth {"statusCode": 400, "request": 2, "latency": "140.515µs", "avgLatency": "320.127µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/auth", "referer": ""}
2021-01-15T02:52:11.631Z DEBUG /validate
2021-01-15T02:52:11.631Z ERROR no jwt found in request
2021-01-15T02:52:11.631Z DEBUG removing port from to test domain
2021-01-15T02:52:11.631Z DEBUG setting the cookie domain to
2021-01-15T02:52:11.631Z DEBUG CaptureWriter.Write set w.StatusCode 401
2021-01-15T02:52:11.631Z INFO |401| 127.508µs /validate {"statusCode": 401, "request": 3, "latency": "127.508µs", "avgLatency": "255.921µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/validate", "referer": ""}
2021-01-15T02:52:11.660Z DEBUG /login
2021-01-15T02:52:11.660Z DEBUG setting the cookie domain to
2021-01-15T02:52:11.661Z DEBUG session state set to m1S7SkZO14R0wpdAQzkXbSHHGK4eqkYm
2021-01-15T02:52:11.661Z DEBUG Login url param normalized to ''
2021-01-15T02:52:11.661Z DEBUG session requestedURL set to
2021-01-15T02:52:11.661Z DEBUG saving session with failcount 1
2021-01-15T02:52:11.661Z DEBUG /login looking for callback_url matching
2021-01-15T02:52:11.661Z DEBUG /login callback_url set to
2021-01-15T02:52:11.661Z DEBUG redirecting to oauthURL
2021-01-15T02:52:11.661Z INFO |200| 652.451µs /login {"statusCode": 200, "request": 4, "latency": "652.451µs", "avgLatency": "355.053µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/login", "referer": ""}
2021-01-15T02:52:17.954Z DEBUG /login
2021-01-15T02:52:17.954Z DEBUG setting the cookie domain to
2021-01-15T02:52:17.954Z DEBUG session state set to vO2oVemLpxPTei9XbmhchJ2WSIBswv
2021-01-15T02:52:17.954Z INFO Stray param in login request ()
2021-01-15T02:52:17.954Z DEBUG Login url param normalized to '<nil>'
2021-01-15T02:52:17.954Z DEBUG Stray params in login url ([""]) will be ignored
2021-01-15T02:52:17.954Z ERROR no destination URL requested
2021-01-15T02:52:17.954Z DEBUG setting the cookie domain to
2021-01-15T02:52:17.954Z DEBUG CaptureWriter.Write set w.StatusCode 400
2021-01-15T02:52:17.954Z DEBUG rendering error for user: 400 Bad Request
2021-01-15T02:52:17.955Z INFO |400| 551.974µs /login {"statusCode": 400, "request": 5, "latency": "551.974µs", "avgLatency": "394.437µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/login", "referer": ""}
2021-01-15T02:52:21.360Z INFO |200| 42.19µs /healthcheck {"statusCode": 200, "request": 6, "latency": "42.19µs", "avgLatency": "335.73µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/healthcheck", "referer": ""}
2021-01-15T02:52:24.865Z DEBUG /logout
2021-01-15T02:52:24.865Z DEBUG tokenString length: 0
2021-01-15T02:52:24.865Z DEBUG Error reading gzip data: EOF
2021-01-15T02:52:24.865Z DEBUG decompressed tokenString length 0
2021-01-15T02:52:24.865Z ERROR token contains an invalid number of segments
2021-01-15T02:52:24.865Z DEBUG setting the cookie domain to
2021-01-15T02:52:24.865Z DEBUG /logout deleting session
2021-01-15T02:52:24.866Z INFO |200| 555.671µs /logout {"statusCode": 200, "request": 7, "latency": "555.671µs", "avgLatency": "367.15µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/logout", "referer": ""}
2021-01-15T02:52:30.361Z DEBUG /validate
2021-01-15T02:52:30.361Z ERROR no jwt found in request
2021-01-15T02:52:30.361Z DEBUG setting the cookie domain to
2021-01-15T02:52:30.361Z DEBUG CaptureWriter.Write set w.StatusCode 401
2021-01-15T02:52:30.361Z INFO |401| 128.629µs /validate {"statusCode": 401, "request": 8, "latency": "128.629µs", "avgLatency": "337.335µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/validate", "referer": ""}
2021-01-15T02:52:34.814Z DEBUG /auth
2021-01-15T02:52:34.814Z ERROR /auth Invalid session state: stored %!s(<nil>), returned m1S7SkZO14R0wpdAQzkXbSHHGK4eqkYm
2021-01-15T02:52:34.814Z DEBUG setting the cookie domain to
2021-01-15T02:52:34.814Z DEBUG CaptureWriter.Write set w.StatusCode 400
2021-01-15T02:52:34.814Z DEBUG rendering error for user: 400 Bad Request
2021-01-15T02:52:34.814Z INFO |400| 189.717µs /auth {"statusCode": 400, "request": 9, "latency": "189.717µs", "avgLatency": "320.933µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/auth", "referer": ""}
2021-01-15T02:52:35.941Z DEBUG /auth
2021-01-15T02:52:35.941Z ERROR /auth Invalid session state: stored %!s(<nil>), returned m1S7SkZO14R0wpdAQzkXbSHHGK4eqkYm
2021-01-15T02:52:35.941Z DEBUG setting the cookie domain to
2021-01-15T02:52:35.941Z DEBUG CaptureWriter.Write set w.StatusCode 400
2021-01-15T02:52:35.941Z DEBUG rendering error for user: 400 Bad Request
2021-01-15T02:52:35.941Z INFO |400| 182.738µs /auth {"statusCode": 400, "request": 10, "latency": "182.738µs", "avgLatency": "307.114µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/auth", "referer": ""}
2021-01-15T02:52:38.793Z DEBUG /login
2021-01-15T02:52:38.793Z DEBUG setting the cookie domain to
2021-01-15T02:52:38.793Z DEBUG session state set to BC4jZzm640QDwqdRWyQjqJdxcexJmjgT
2021-01-15T02:52:38.793Z DEBUG Login url param normalized to ''
2021-01-15T02:52:38.793Z DEBUG session requestedURL set to
2021-01-15T02:52:38.793Z DEBUG saving session with failcount 1
2021-01-15T02:52:38.793Z DEBUG /login looking for callback_url matching
2021-01-15T02:52:38.793Z DEBUG /login callback_url set to
2021-01-15T02:52:38.793Z DEBUG redirecting to oauthURL
2021-01-15T02:52:38.793Z INFO |200| 397.827µs /login {"statusCode": 200, "request": 11, "latency": "397.827µs", "avgLatency": "315.36µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/login", "referer": ""}
2021-01-15T02:52:40.329Z DEBUG /auth
2021-01-15T02:52:40.329Z ERROR /auth Error from IdP: invalid_scope - Invalid scope: email
2021-01-15T02:52:40.329Z DEBUG setting the cookie domain to
2021-01-15T02:52:40.329Z DEBUG CaptureWriter.Write set w.StatusCode 401
2021-01-15T02:52:40.329Z INFO |401| 318.349µs /auth {"statusCode": 401, "request": 12, "latency": "318.349µs", "avgLatency": "315.609µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/auth", "referer": ""}
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