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Dustin LeBlanc dustinleblanc

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jessarcher /
Last active March 10, 2024 17:25
Using my Canon 70D DSLR camera as a web cam on Linux

You'll need:

  1. Video 4 Linux loopback device kernel module (v4l2loopback) - Source: (You might find builds in your distro's repos - I'm using Fedora so had to build it myself using
  2. gPhoto2 - this is what allows you to access your cameras live feed over USB - this was available in Fedora's repos.
  3. GStreamer or ffmpeg - this is what lets you stream the output from gPhoto2 into the loopback device.

It's been a little while since I set it all up so I can't remember all of the installation details, which will probably be different for your distro anyway unless you're using Fedora. Apologies if I have forgotten something as wel.

Running the stream

MandarinConLaBarba / gist:4533303
Last active December 31, 2021 22:24
How to spy on node's require() w/ sinon.js
//If you need to spy or stub the global require function in node.js, don't try to spy on the require function aren't going //to be successful.
//Instead, spy on the require.extensions object like so:
var spies = {};
spies.require = sinon.spy(require.extensions, '.js');
//Then when you need to assert you can do stuff like: