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creepteks /
Created November 13, 2023 16:50
Account deletion - Knockout Game

To delete your account along with all the data stored on our databases, follow these steps:

  1. Go to main menu
  2. Tap "Settings" button
  3. Tap "Delete Account" button.

All your account data including player xp stat, metadata, inventory and skins, and game currency will be deleted.

creepteks / gist:f4631d739780f427e5c0a45cb8ed97d5
Created November 13, 2023 16:42
The Knockout Game - Account deletion
To delete your account along with all the data stored on our databases, follow these steps:
1. Go to main menu tap the Setting button
2. Tap "Settings" button
3. Tap "Delete Account" button.
All your account data including player xp stat, metadata, inventory and skins, and game currency will be deleted.
### create single node cockroach
mkdir certs .safe
cockroach cert create-ca --certs-dir certs/ --ca-key .safe/ca.key
cockroach cert create-node [hostname, set in /etc/hosts or a public dns name] [ip] --certs-dir certs/ --ca-key .safe/ca.key
cockroach cert create-client root --certs-dir certs/ --ca-key .safe/ca.key
### no adverise addr in single node setup, so
cockroach start-single-node --certs-dir certs --listen-addr [host, as above]:26257 --http-addr [host, as above]:8080 --background
cockroach node ls --certs-dir certs/ --host roach
cd certs/
creepteks /
Last active May 20, 2021 11:15
Reducing Unity release size
  1. Use a differnet compression when building. (ex. form LZ4 -> LZ4HC)
  2. Addressable: use compression for your asset groups, clean and rebuild groups before another build
  3. strip the dlls:
  • automatically :

You can change scripting backend in ProjectSettings -> Player -> Configuration to IL2CPP and in Optimiztion section set Managed Stripping Level to High. Tested it in Unity 2020.1.17f1 in Mobile template. Size reduced from 17Mb to 6Mb with empty scene only. Also trying step by @Pindwin but no result for me.

You can check your apk file like this: Android Studio -> Build -> Analyze APK

creepteks /
Created September 15, 2020 05:14
The cleanest and most elegant way of installing golang on your Ubuntu
creepteks / Dockerfile
Created September 15, 2020 05:09 — forked from novabyte/Dockerfile
A small Docker-based build setup to create and build Go code with Nakama server.
FROM heroiclabs/nakama-pluginbuilder:2.11.0 AS builder
WORKDIR /backend
COPY . .
RUN go build --trimpath --mod=vendor --buildmode=plugin -o ./
creepteks / Nakama authoritative backend with
Last active July 20, 2020 11:16
Nakama authoritative backend with matchmaking
creepteks /
Last active December 24, 2020 10:31 — forked from fntlnz/
Self Signed Certificate with Custom Root CA

Create Root CA (Done once)

Create Root Key

Attention: this is the key used to sign the certificate requests, anyone holding this can sign certificates on your behalf. So keep it in a safe place!

openssl genrsa -des3 -out rootCA.key 4096