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Created March 23, 2020 16:26
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Env var parsing with free applicatives
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-14.20 --install-ghc runghc --package either --package free
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
module Main
import Control.Applicative.Free
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Either.Combinators (maybeToRight)
import Data.Either.Validation
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty, toList)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import System.Environment
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
-- | The parsing result for a single variable
data ParsingError
= Missing
| ParsingError String
deriving Show
-- | A parsing error, contextualized with the
-- variable description
data EnvVarError
= EnvVarError
{ varDesc :: EnvVarDesc
, error :: ParsingError
deriving Show
-- | Parser for a single env variable
-- All the metadata is separated from the parsing function
-- to make it monomorphic and more easily usable
data EnvVarParser a
= EnvVarParser
{ parser :: Maybe String -> Either ParsingError a
-- ^ the input string is a Maybe to allow optional values
, desc :: EnvVarDesc
} deriving Functor
-- | Making this a separate type allows to directly return a list of `EnvVarDesc` from `runAp_`
data EnvVarDesc
= EnvVarDesc
{ name :: String
, isOptional :: Bool
-- ^ This is purely for documentation purposes,
-- it is not used during parsing
deriving Show
type EnvParser = Ap EnvVarParser
-- yeah, I know, lenses.
modifyDesc :: (EnvVarDesc -> EnvVarDesc)
-> EnvVarParser a
-> EnvVarParser a
modifyDesc f p = p { desc = f (desc p) }
-- | Create a parser for a single environment
-- variable given its name and a parsing function
mkParser :: (String -> Either String a)
-> String
-> EnvVarParser a
mkParser p name =
let parser Nothing = Left Missing
parser (Just v) =
first ParsingError $ p v
in EnvVarParser
{ parser = parser
, desc = EnvVarDesc
{ name = name
, isOptional = False
-- | Turn a single environment variable parser
-- into a composable `EnvParser`
required :: EnvVarParser a -> EnvParser a
required = liftAp
-- | Turn a single environment variable parser
-- into a composable `EnvParser`, making the
-- variable optional
optional :: EnvVarParser a -> EnvParser (Maybe a)
optional (EnvVarParser parser desc) =
let optionalParser Nothing = Right Nothing
optionalParser v = Just <$> parser v
in liftAp $ EnvVarParser
{ parser = optionalParser
, desc = desc { isOptional = True }
-- | Turn a single environment variable parser
-- into a composable `EnvParser`, making the
-- variable optional
optionalWithDefault :: a
-> EnvVarParser a
-> EnvParser a
optionalWithDefault def =
fmap (fromMaybe def) . optional
-- | Parse a string from an environment variable
str :: String -> EnvVarParser String
str = mkParser Right
-- | Parse an integer from an environment variable
int :: String -> EnvVarParser Integer
int =
let parseInt = maybeToRight "not an integer" . readMaybe
in mkParser parseInt
-- | Add a prefix to environment variables names
prefix :: String -> EnvParser a -> EnvParser a
prefix prefix =
let addPrefix = modifyDesc $ \d ->
d { name = prefix <> name d }
in hoistAp addPrefix
-- | List the needed environment variables
getVars :: EnvParser a -> [String]
getVars = runAp_ (pure . name . desc)
renderDoc :: EnvParser a -> String
renderDoc p =
let descs = runAp_ (pure . desc) p
mkLn d = name d <> if isOptional d
then " (optional)"
else ""
in unlines . fmap mkLn $ descs
-- | Given the available env variables, parse
-- a single environment variable
parseEnvVar :: [(String, String)]
-> EnvVarParser a
-> Validation (NonEmpty EnvVarError) a
parseEnvVar env (EnvVarParser p desc) =
let v = lookup (name desc) env
toError = pure . EnvVarError desc
in eitherToValidation . first toError $ p v
-- | Given the available env variables, parse
-- a composite value
parseEnv :: [(String, String)]
-> EnvParser a
-> Validation (NonEmpty EnvVarError) a
parseEnv env = runAp (parseEnvVar env)
-- | Parse a composite variable from the environment
readFromEnv :: EnvParser a
-> IO a
readFromEnv p = do
env <- readNeededEnv p
case parseEnv env p of
Failure f -> fail (renderErrors f)
Success a -> pure a
-- | Read only the needed variables from
-- the environment
readNeededEnv :: EnvParser a
-> IO [(String, String)]
readNeededEnv p =
let names = getVars p
values = traverse lookupEnv names
removeEmpty = mapMaybe sequenceA
in removeEmpty . zip names <$> values
-- | Render the errors encountered when trying
-- to parse a composite value
renderErrors :: NonEmpty EnvVarError
-> String
renderErrors errors =
let ls = mkLine <$> toList errors
mkLine (EnvVarError desc Missing) =
name desc <> " is missing"
mkLine (EnvVarError desc (ParsingError e)) =
name desc <> " could not be parsed: " <> e
in "The following errors were encountered\n"
<> unlines ls
-- now, the example
data PG = PG
{ port :: Integer
, host :: String
, user :: String
, password :: String
, db :: String
} deriving Show
newtype Macaroon
= Macaroon
{ secret :: String
} deriving Show
data Config
= Config
{ pg :: PG
, macaroon :: Macaroon
, toto :: String
} deriving Show
getPg :: EnvParser PG
getPg = prefix "PG_" $ PG
<$> optionalWithDefault 5432 (int "PORT")
<*> required (str "HOST")
<*> required (str "USER")
<*> required (str "PASSWORD")
<*> required (str "DB")
getMacaroon :: EnvParser Macaroon
getMacaroon = Macaroon
<$> required (str "MACAROON_SECRET")
getConfig :: EnvParser Config
getConfig = Config <$> getPg
<*> getMacaroon
<*> required (str "TOTO")
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ renderDoc getConfig
readFromEnv getConfig >>= print
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