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chengtie / Create a column clustered chart.yaml
Created May 5, 2017 13:57
Create a column clustered chart - Shared with Script Lab
name: Create a column clustered chart
description: Create a column clustered chart
host: EXCEL
api_set: {}
content: |+
async function createChart() {
chengtie / Blank snippet.yaml
Created June 20, 2017 13:34
Shared with Script Lab
name: Blank snippet
description: ''
author: chengtie
host: EXCEL
api_set: {}
content: |
async function openSite() {
chengtie / Blank snippet.yaml
Created June 20, 2017 14:38
Shared with Script Lab
name: Blank snippet
description: ''
author: chengtie
host: EXCEL
api_set: {}
content: |
chengtie / Blank snippet.yaml
Created June 20, 2017 15:02
Shared with Script Lab
name: Blank snippet
description: ''
author: chengtie
host: EXCEL
api_set: {}
content: |-
chengtie / Basic API call (TypeScript).EXCEL.yaml
Created August 19, 2020 01:50
Performs a basic Excel API call using TypeScript.
name: Basic API call (TypeScript)
description: Performs a basic Excel API call using TypeScript.
host: EXCEL
api_set: {}
content: |
$("#run").click(() => tryCatch(run));
async function run() {
await (context) => {
worker_processes 1;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
sendfile on;
chengtie / Create, access, and remove (3).EXCEL.yaml
Created December 17, 2021 18:58
Creates, accesses, and removes named items in a worksheet.
name: 'Create, access, and remove (3)'
description: 'Creates, accesses, and removes named items in a worksheet.'
host: EXCEL
api_set: {}
content: |
$("#test").click(() => tryCatch(test));
async function test() {
await (context) => {
chengtie / Create, access, and remove (4).EXCEL.yaml
Created December 22, 2021 21:04
Creates, accesses, and removes named items in a worksheet.
name: 'Create, access, and remove (4)'
description: 'Creates, accesses, and removes named items in a worksheet.'
host: EXCEL
api_set: {}
content: |
$("#test").click(() => tryCatch(test));
async function test() {
await (context) => {
chengtie / Create, access, and remove (5).EXCEL.yaml
Created January 20, 2022 17:31
Creates, accesses, and removes named items in a worksheet.
name: 'Create, access, and remove (5)'
description: 'Creates, accesses, and removes named items in a worksheet.'
host: EXCEL
api_set: {}
content: |
$("#test").click(() => tryCatch(test));
async function test() {
await (context) => {