@herberts asked me why I had to leave Télécom Bretagne for Cranfield University to learn about scalability, and I couldn't answer that in 140 chars.
First when I say I left, I just mean I took a double degree during my 3rd year, and I didn't have a choice anyway since school policy makes it mandatory to spend at least a semester abroad. Also, do not misunderstand me: I love the school, I chose to go there instead of "better ranked" schools for a reason. The location is great, and school life too (I couldn't say the same about Cranfield).
As for lessons, I am happy about what I learnt in most department. My problem is with Computer Science & Software Engineering, and it is probably not specific to Télécom Bretagne but the same in most French engineering schools. French engineering students spend their first two years of higher education learning general stuff so most students who enter Télécom Bretagne know nothing at all about CS. The way the curriculum is made, they will have CS classes for at most 3 semes