This gist will become a bloop in once we have conclusions. For now this is only thoughts...
Dan pointed out (CM-Well/CM-Well#97) we have an inconsistency when navigating using a webapp to a FileInfoton and then refresh the page. First, let's agree on four axioms:
- SPA navigation should be aligned with browser history.
- An ObjectInfoton, when requested without
query parameter, is wrapped with the default webapp. - A FileInfoton, when requested without
query parameter, is returned according to its mime-type ("as is"). This imatate the behavior of a "regular" webserver providing static content as files. - CM-Well has two built-in webapps, one is default, but they are only FileInfotons ingested upon an install/upgrade. Anyone can upload their own webapp. In other words, the UI is pluggable.
The inconsistency was inevitable when implemeting (1) and (3) straightforward...