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Evan Boehs boehs

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boehs / jsonBlog.js
Created July 28, 2021 04:28
JSON blog
let d = [{
"title": "post one",
"date": 1627421886,
"content": "lorum ipsut"
"title": "post two",
"date": 1727421886,
"content": "lorum ipsut dolar",
"tags": ["a", "b", "c"]
boehs / index.html
Last active October 27, 2021 22:40
<h2>some japanese chars</h2>
<div class="table-wrapper">
boehs / getyourselfbanned.js
Last active October 28, 2021 03:51
const apiPrefix = ''
var delay = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms))
var qs = obj =>
.map(([k, v]) => `${k}=${v}`)
const apiCall = (apiPath, body, method = 'GET') => {
// plotARoutePremium.js
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
console.log('if you are seeing this, everything went well')
boehs /
Created August 26, 2022 20:00
Make discord think you have spotify premium

Spotify premium discord features free

Discord has a number of features related to music streaming that are "exclusively" available for spotify premium members. Notably, listening parties. To restrict these features to spotify premium, discord runs a few premium checks that we can overwrite.


Why does this work? Shouldn't discord not have these permissions for non premium members, just like every other app?

Discord has the ability to control the playback of music for non premium members so they can pause the music on spotify if they are talking too long in a voice call. Spotify could have exclusively granted permission to pause music, instead of playing, pausing, changing songs, etc, but they did not, presumably because they did not have the fine grained control and did not care enough to implement it.

// ==UserScript==
// @name Bypass "Calculation of totals has been disabled" for canvas
// @namespace
// @match https://**/grades
// @grant none
// @version 1.1.0
// @author Evan Boehs
// @description Calculates totals when canvas doesn't want to
// @supportURL
// @license GPL-3.0-only
boehs / gist:8903229790ac2f0d2f3bec0cb832cf6e
Last active November 29, 2023 22:27
10000 love letter words.
love loving lover like know want feel feeling think thinking one time never get make making friend friends would even see really day thing things say saying talk talking much way look looking could still tell back always girl someone heart ever hope hoping life year miss missing said guy wish let didn't try something every smile right need thought happy first come maybe people good eye ask everything person best kiss told night together give stop away crush hurt hurting care around last little boy please take start got made happen mean fall wait today hate well though anything long find keep beautiful end hand text remember better wonder nothing face letter laugh laughing sometime sometimes work else mind two call world walk month dream felt realize word sorry help fuck school thank hold perfect knew doesn't use sure hard won since anymore enough date bad cry lot actual move dear without next leave believe live seem head name saw moment guess kind change anyone relationship write met okay yet week turn anothe
let weights = Object.fromEntries("IJ​IJ ij​ij LJ​LJ Lj​Lj lj​lj NJ​NJ Nj​Nj nj​nj DZ​DZ Dz​Dz dz​dz Rs​₨ No​№ SM​℠ TEL​℡ TM​™ FAX​℻ ll​Ⅱ II​Ⅱ III​Ⅲ IV​Ⅳ VI​Ⅵ VII​Ⅶ VIII​Ⅷ IX​Ⅸ XI​Ⅺ XII​Ⅻ ii​ⅱ iii​ⅲ iv​ⅳ vi​ⅵ vii​ⅶ viii​ⅷ ix​ⅸ xi​ⅺ xii​ⅻ hPa​㍱ da​㍲ AU​㍳ bar​㍴ oV​㍵ pc​㍶ pA​㎀ nA​㎁ mA​㎃ kA​㎄ KB​㎅ MB​㎆ GB​㎇ cal​㎈ kcal​㎉ pF​㎊ nF​㎋ mg​㎎ kg​㎏ Hz​㎐ kHz​㎑ MHz​㎒ GHz​㎓ THz​㎔ ml​㎖ dl​㎗ kl​㎘ fm​㎙ nm​㎚ mm​㎜ cm​㎝ km​㎞ Pa​㎩ kPa​㎪ MPa​㎫ GPa​㎬ rad​㎭ ps​㎰ ns​㎱ ms​㎳ pV​㎴ nV​㎵ mV​㎷ kV​㎸ MV​㎹ pW​㎺ nW​㎻ mW​㎽ kW​㎾ MW​㎿ Bq​㏃ cc​㏄ cd​㏅ dB​㏈ db​ȸ ls​ʪ Is​ʪ lz​ʫ Iz​ʫ Gy​㏉ ha​㏊ HP​㏋ in​㏌ KK​㏍ KM​㏎ kt​㏏ lm​㏐ ln​㏑ log​㏒ lx​㏓ mb​㏔ mil​㏕ mol​㏖ PH​㏗ PPM​㏙ PR​㏚ sr​㏛ Sv​㏜ Wb​㏝ ff​ff fi​fi fl​fl ffi​ffi ffl​ffl st​st WC​🅏 MC​🅪 MD​🅫 NUL​␀ SOH​␁ STX​␂ ETX​␃ EOT​␄ ENQ​␅ ACK​␆ BEL​␇ BS​␈ HT​␉ LF​␊ VT​␋ FF​␌ CR​␍ DLE​␐ DC1​␑ DC2​␒ DC3​␓ DC4​␔ NAK​␕ SYN​␖ ETB​␗ CAN​␘ EM​␙ SUB​␚ ESC​␛ FS​␜ GS​␝ RS​␞ US​␟ AA​Ꜳ aa​ꜳ AE​Æ ae​æ AO​Ꜵ ao​ꜵ au​ꜷ AV​Ꜹ av​ꜹ AY​Ꜽ ay​ꜽ OE​Œ oe​œ OO​Ꝏ oo​ꝏ CE​₠ ue​ᵫ VY​Ꝡ vy​ꝡ 10​⒑ 11​⒒ 12​⒓ 13​⒔ 14​⒕ 15​⒖ 16​⒗ 17​⒘ 18​⒙ 19​⒚ 20​⒛ qp​ȹ ts​ʦ fff​🝝 sss​
boehs / file.js
Last active June 23, 2023 02:55
(quizlet| to seperated words
let words = document.querySelectorAll('.SetPageTerm-wordText');
[...document.querySelectorAll('.SetPageTerm-definitionText')].map((def,index) => def.textContent + " " + words[index].textContent).join('\n')