I hereby claim:
- I am bjbishop on github.
- I am bjbishop (https://keybase.io/bjbishop) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASDr-JUiOv4C16kxvhUbohq_8Iy-izuZgKRtNquL_Hl85Ao
To claim this, I am signing this object:
(custom-set-variables | |
'(use-dialog-box nil) | |
'(use-file-dialog nil)) |
#+name: example1 | |
#+headers: :var param1="0" param2="0" | |
#+begin_src ruby | |
print "#{param1} and #{param2}" | |
#+end_src | |
#+RESULTS: example1 | |
: nil | |
#+name: example1 with output |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | |
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> | |
<plist version="1.0"> | |
<dict> | |
<key>Label</key> | |
<string>org.yourname.toggle_dropboxgdrive</string> | |
<key>ProgramArguments</key> | |
<array> | |
<string>osascript</string> | |
<string>/Applications/toggle_dropboxgdrive.scpt</string> |
(setq magit-completing-read-function 'ivy-completing-read) | |
(setq ivy-use-virtual-buffers t) | |
(setq ivy-height 10) | |
(setq ivy-count-format "(%d/%d) ") | |
(setq projectile-completion-system 'ivy) | |
(use-package ivy-hydra | |
:ensure t) | |
mQINBFvADDcBEADoQlMRCOKRMJc27dGUuhEO/fQOq313fa/yZh+dfglpGvH4W+0Q | |
Kd1uzFOXVGJ03FFzx6K8PoYYyrKe9iob+lxCtqaDikYWKh1MDS16OBZ2iyd/LjeZ | |
24elsgOf1k0BUtxn5/E462b1lpyQnPzf5r2b4BNp6UYIrOuNJZE2KAdC7Ff0oQdK | |
gB2f3p7fGl6MP3LKr0nvkdPUP2uIm7YHv2FTwrfluoG18t/4w9Qlb/1U9+TFJcFI | |
rGL8ew+012VHlFVzU+XAlKLRkoOWqyNTJ4tmv6Sly50a1rBQXDPoDAeHrBWJbGWN | |
IWQSv7L2//hrjF4k1NfbrJeDupv8Uqe6Ghg5650fWQIPgbQBsA1gL74qzbesGgM6 | |
sVbSsHfebEGi/P0pnJq5sIg8qoZutLQMFbOBj4lm1Oh/BDc8W7Cd7fVY0zJHSEIC | |
RAUVGNseEygY8ygvb4IWeeRk1U08sOZJ784MnqdNG4LQ59TtMZYPtAfJ3w5lVvfx |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
>pytest raindrops_test.py | |
================================== test session starts ==================================platform darwin -- Python 3.7.7, pytest-4.3.0, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.8.1 | |
rootdir: /Users/bishbr/src/exercism/python/raindrops, inifile: | |
collected 18 items | |
raindrops_test.py FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF [100%] | |
======================================= FAILURES ========================================_ RaindropsTest.test_2_to_the_power_3_does_not_make_a_raindrop_sound_as_3_is_the_exponent_not_the_base _ | |
self = <raindrops_test.RaindropsTest testMethod=test_2_to_the_power_3_does_not_make_a_raindrop_sound_as_3_is_the_exponent_not_the_base> |
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
set -e -o nounset | |
PDFTK_PATH="$HOME/src" | |
PDFTK_URL="https://gitlab.com/pdftk-java/pdftk/-/jobs/517065828/artifacts/raw/build/libs/pdftk-all.jar?inline=false" | |
if ! [ -d "$PDFTK_PATH" ] | |
then | |
printf "Creating the src path to install the pdftk-all tool" |