Open ~/.zshrc
in your favorite editor and add the following content to the bottom.
function parse_git_branch() {
import { BottomSheetModal, BottomSheetModalProps } from '@gorhom/bottom-sheet'; | |
import { useCallback, useRef } from 'react'; | |
import { BackHandler, NativeEventSubscription } from 'react-native'; | |
/** | |
* hook that dismisses the bottom sheet on the hardware back button press if it is visible | |
* @param bottomSheetRef ref to the bottom sheet which is going to be closed/dismissed on the back press | |
*/ | |
export const useBottomSheetBackHandler = ( | |
bottomSheetRef: React.RefObject<BottomSheetModal | null>, |
import { forEachObjIndexed } from "ramda"; | |
import * as React from "react"; | |
import { | |
Animated, | |
ScrollView, | |
View, | |
ViewStyle, | |
LayoutChangeEvent, | |
NativeScrollEvent, | |
} from "react-native"; |
import { useEffect } from 'react'; | |
import { ViewStyle } from 'react-native'; | |
import Animated, { | |
interpolateColor, | |
useAnimatedStyle, | |
useSharedValue, | |
withRepeat, | |
withTiming, | |
} from 'react-native-reanimated'; |
html, body, div#__next { | |
height: '100%' | |
} | |
div#__next > div { | |
minHeight: '100%' | |
} | |
Layout projection: A method for animating browser layouts at 60fps
Animating layout is hard. Prohibitively so; how many ambitious designers have provided dev teams dazzling videos of app-quality UI animations, only to be rebuffed?
If you're a web developer, what would your reaction be if asked to realise this kind of App Store-style interaction, where an item opens into a full-screen view when clicked:
Inspired by dannyfritz/commit-message-emoji
See also gitmoji.
Commit type | Emoji |
Initial commit | 🎉 :tada: |
Version tag | 🔖 :bookmark: |
New feature | ✨ :sparkles: |
Bugfix | 🐛 :bug: |