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aplocher / sqlsrvhelper.bat
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
Helper bat file to start / stop SQL server instances. Will require user intervention (pause) when error occurs. Supports colorized output if cmdcolor.exe is available in the same dir or in the environment PATH.
@echo off
rem ---------------------------------------------
rem - SQL SERVICE HELPER v1.1.20140624
rem -
rem -
rem - Description:
rem - Helper bat file to start / stop SQL server instances. Will require
rem - user intervention (pause) when error occurs. Supports colorized output
aplocher / DelUnusedConstants.ps1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
This is a basic script that helps cleanup a series of unused constants in a single file by scanning all *.cs files from a folder to try to find any usages. If not found, it will get commented out and the dev will be able to easily Find/Replace all commented lines with an empty line after verifying that nothing is broken. It uses text parsing, so…
$fileToCheck = 'C:\SourceCode\BitCollectors.WinFormsControls\BitCollectors.WinFormsControls\Common\Win32Native.cs'
$fileToOutput = 'C:\Temp\'
$fileToBackup = 'C:\Temp\Win32Native.old.cs'
$folderToLookIn = 'C:\SourceCode\BitCollectors.WinFormsControls\BitCollectors.WinFormsControls'
$constRegex = '^\s*[^\/]\s*((internal|private|public|protected)?\s+const\s+[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?\s+([A-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*\=.*(;|,)\s*$'
$csFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $folderToLookIn -Recurse -Filter '*.cs'
#region Functions
Function OnLoad {
aplocher / WebAdmin.bat
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
Starts the ASP.NET Website Admin Tool (WSAT) and launches a web browser to it. WSAT is no longer a prominent feature in VS2013 - this BAT file will assist with easily launching it with a single command.
@echo off
:: Begin config section
set pathToApp=C:\SourceCode\MyApp\MyApp.Web
set pathToIISExpress=C:\Program Files\IIS Express\iisexpress.exe
set webPort=8019
:: End config section
if not exist %pathToApp% (goto errMissingApp)
if not exist %pathToIISExpress% (goto errMissingIisExpress)
# Tested with Windows 10 Tech Preview build 9926
# The following PowerShell script can be used to re-initialize the Shell Experience in Windows 10.
# WARNING: All store apps will be reinitialized meaning any local data associated with that app will
# get reset.
# This seems to be necessary if restoring from a restore point. When a restore point is used,
# the Start Menu, Cortana, and the Notification Area no longer work
aplocher / ClearVisualStudioExpHive.ps1
Created February 25, 2015 08:56
Powershell script to list or remove Visual Studio hives
param (
[string]$fullName = "", # Example: "12.0Exp" is VS v12.0 (2013) hive name "Exp"
[switch]$listHives = $false,
[switch]$force = $false
$vsAppDataRoot = Join-Path $env:APPDATA "Microsoft\VisualStudio"
$vsRegKeyRoot = "hkcu:\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio"
if (-not $fullName -and -not $listHives) {
aplocher / CleanTemp.ps1
Created May 30, 2015 02:27
PowerShell command to clean temp folder (only if the file or folder hasn't been touched in the last 2 days)
Get-ChildItem $env:temp | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-2)} | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse
aplocher / FixWinUpdateOnWin10.bat
Created June 13, 2015 03:56
Fix Windows Update issues with Windows 10 (could likely fix issues experienced in Win 8.1 and earlier, too)
@echo off
:: Windows 10 Update issues
:: Stop / Disable Windows Update
sc config wuauserv start=disabled
taskkill /f /fi "SERVICES eq wuauserv"
net stop wuauserv
:: Clean temp files [where modified date not within the last 24 hours]
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "Get-ChildItem $env:temp | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)} | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse"
aplocher / BackupDismFeatures.ps1
Created August 22, 2015 12:03
Small PowerShell script that looks at the currently installed Windows Features on the current system and generates a dism.exe/ cmd.exe command to be used to restore those features. Handy for when you're reinstalling Windows on a machine and want to backup / restore your IIS, Hyper-V, etc configuration.
Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online | where State -eq Enabled | %{$o += ("/FeatureName:"+$_.FeatureName+" ")}
Write-Host "dism.exe /Online /Enable-Feature $o/All"
aplocher / AnyConnect.ahk
Last active September 6, 2023 07:18
AutoHotKey script for Cisco AnyConnect. Takes hostname, username, and password as external args. Great for creating multiple shortcuts if you have more than one AnyConnect VPN.
; Create a shortcut to this file in Windows for each AnyConnect VPN configuration you need
; Each shortcut can have a different host, user, and pass defined (3 command line args)
; Usage: AutoHotKey.exe AnyConnect.ahk hostname username password
#SingleInstance force
if 0 < 3 ; The left side of a non-expression if-statement is always the name of a variable.
MsgBox This script requires at least 3 incoming parameters but it only received %0%.
aplocher / WindowsToolbarAutomation.ahk
Created August 31, 2015 13:13
AutoHotKey script to automate adding a toolbar to the taskbar in Windows
; Automates adding a toolbar to the taskbar in Windows
#SingleInstance force
; Change to the folder path to your toolbar
ControlGet, handle, Hwnd,, TrayClockWClass1,,Notification Area
ControlClick, ,ahk_id %handle% ,,Right
WinWait,ahk_class #32768,,5
if ErrorLevel