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Andy Fowler andyfowler

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Now I'm Trapped Here

  • MacPorts
  • QuickSilver
  • TextMate
  • Xcode
// creates a ticket with a reference to this revision, file, line # and author
// by default, the ticket is assigned to the author who committed it
$temporaryCode = 'hack'; // @TODO Add official code when x module completed....
// optionally assign the ticket to somebody else
$temporaryCode = 'hack'; // @TODO ([email protected]) Figure out the best way to handle this
// looks for references to other tickets to add dependencies
$temporaryCode = 'hack'; // @TODO Can't fix this until #207 is resolved
#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU
def UBER_ip_route_match(command, regex)
command.split("\n").select { |l| l =~ regex }.first.to_s[/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/] || ''
c = ' dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src dev lo scope link
default via dev eth1'
# c = %x{/sbin/ip route list match #{ip}}
afowler@owlhouse en $ port installed
The following ports are currently installed:
apache2 @2.2.14_0+darwin+preforkmpm (active)
apr @1.3.9_0 (active)
apr-util @1.3.9_0 (active)
aquaterm @1.0.1_5 (active)
autoconf @2.65_0 (active)
autoconf213 @2.13_1 (active)
automake @1.11.1_0 (active)
bash-completion @1.1_2 (active)
(a poem my little brother posted on his facebook)
I long every day just to see you
Just to talk to you
you don't have to be there boyfriend or girlfriend but always being
there for somone to talk and to listen
Love is amazing
Love is forever
Love is just being a friend
Love is careing
DeflateFilterNote Input input_info
DeflateFilterNote Output output_info
DeflateFilterNote Ratio ratio_info
LogFormat '"%r" %{output_info}n/%{input_info}n (%{ratio_info}n%%)' deflate
CustomLog "logs/deflate_log" deflate
var className = 'Graph' + type;
// lesser of two uglies?
var graph = new window[className](this);
// versus
var graph = eval('new ' + className + '(this)');
// using window makes sanity checking easier:
if (typeof window[className] === 'function') // instantiate ...
# import a directory into a case-sensitive DMG
hdiutil create -srcfolder "${dir}" -autostretch -fs JHFS+X temp.dmg
hdiutil attach -mountpoint "${dir}-caseSensitive" temp.dmg
# JHFS+X == journalled, case-sensitive.
# DMG is initially the directory size, but can grow as needed
# ideal for textmate bundle, reloads the current tab's CSS
# JS via
refreshScript=`cat <<'JAVASCRIPT'
void(function(){var i,a,s;a=document.getElementsByTagName('link');for(i=0;i<a.length;i++){s=a[i];if(s.rel.toLowerCase().indexOf('stylesheet')>=0&&s.href) {var h=s.href.replace(/(&|\\\?)forceReload=\\\d+/,'');s.href=h+(h.indexOf('?')>=0?'&':'?')+'forceReload='+(new Date().valueOf())}}})();
# Check if Safari is running, if so refresh CSS
ps -xc|grep -sq Safari && osascript <<APPLESCRIPT
window.setInterval(function() {
var position = element.css('background-position'),
positionX = Math.abs($.nounit(position.split(' ')[0])),
positionY = position.split(' ')[1],
frameWidth = 66,
numFrames = 8,
currentFrame = Math.floor(positionX / frameWidth),
nextFrame, nextFrameOffset;
nextFrame = (currentFrame == (numFrames - 1)) ? 0 : currentFrame + 1;