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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Example how to deploy Neo4j.rb / neo4j-core app on heroku
source ""
ruby "2.1.1"
gem 'sinatra', '1.1.0'
gem 'neo4j-core', '3.0.0.alpha.11'
web: bundle exec ruby web.rb -p $PORT
require 'sinatra'
require 'neo4j-core'
neo4j_url = ENV['GRAPHENEDB_URL'] || 'http://localhost:7474'
uri = URI.parse(neo4j_url)
server_url = "http://#{}:#{uri.port}", server_url, basic_auth: { username: uri.user, password: uri.password})
get '/' do
n = Neo4j::Node.create({name: 'andreas'}, :person)
"Hello, world #{n[:name]}"
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heroku addons:add graphenedb

For a rails and neo4j example, see

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<3 thanks!

i tweaked mine to use uri.scheme too so I can handle http vs https.

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