Looks like Google translate has improved since 2020 - it's no longer inventing puppy ramen out of nowhere, and it's using more correct pronouns. Or someone at Google was embarrassed after watching this video, and made the necessary bug fixes. Still, I'd give DeepL a slight edge when compared to Google Translate.
I also tried using GPT-3 using the prompt "Translate the following restaurant review: Japanese: [TEXT] English: ", and it's arguably even better than DeepL:
- 隣の駐車場に停めていたらここのおばさんらしき人に何か言われた何を言っているのかは分からなかったが怒った口調だった。とても不愉快。 Google Translate: When I was parked in the parking lot next door, I didn't know what the aunt-like person was saying, but I was angry. She is very unpleasant. DeepL: