<!DOCTYPE html>
		<title>This shows how to get elements inside included svg images from the surrounding html.</title>
		<object class="emb" data="images/svglogo.svg" width="100" height="100" type="image/svg+xml"></object>
		<embed class="emb" src="images/svglogo.svg" width="100" height="100" type="image/svg+xml" />
		<iframe class="emb" src="images/svglogo.svg" width="100" height="100" style="border:0" ></iframe>
			You should see three svg logo images with green fill above here.
			If any of the logos are shown in orange that means the browser failed to access the DOM of the referenced svg resource.
			From left to right we have &lt;object&gt;, &lt;embed&gt; and &lt;iframe&gt; that all reference the <a href="images/svglogo.svg">same svg file</a>.
			The script gets the referenced svg document either with <code>contentDocument</code> or <code>getSVGDocument()</code> and then sets the fill color
			to lime green.
			View source to see how this works.
		// wait until all the resources are loaded
		window.addEventListener("load", findSVGElements, false);
		// fetches the document for the given embedding_element
		function getSubDocument(embedding_element)
			if (embedding_element.contentDocument) 
				return embedding_element.contentDocument;
				var subdoc = null;
				try {
					subdoc = embedding_element.getSVGDocument();
				} catch(e) {}
				return subdoc;
		function findSVGElements()
			var elms = document.querySelectorAll(".emb");
			for (var i = 0; i < elms.length; i++)
				var subdoc = getSubDocument(elms[i])
				if (subdoc)
					subdoc.getElementById("svgbar").setAttribute("fill", "lime");