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class Integer
def factor_of? (other)
other % self == 0
1.upto(100) do |x|
bt = (3.factor_of?(x) ? "" :"not ") + "divisible by 3"
bf = (5.factor_of?(x) ? "" : "not ") + "divisible by 5"
puts "The value #{x} is #{bt} and is #{bf}"
machine telnet_nvt_common;
alphtype unsigned char;
# Special bytes that must be handled differently from normal text:
CR = "\r"; # Only \0 or \n may follow
IAC = 255; # Telnet command marker
special_byte = CR | IAC;
# The only bytes that may follow a CR:
# Causes Rails to output HTML instead of XHTML.
# Example: <%= image_tag "bacon.png" %>
# Before: <img src="/images/bacon.png" />
# After: <img src="/images/bacon.png">
module ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
# Force the 'open' argument to always be true.
old_tag = instance_method(:tag)
define_method :tag do |name, options = nil, open = true, escape = true|
old_tag.bind(self).call(name, options, true, escape)
class Lupin::Test
dynamic_method :foo do |g|
ast = Lupin::Parser.parse("1+4- -10", :root => :expression).value
Lupin::Compiler.compile(ast, g)
puts #=> 15.0
fib' :: (Integral a) => a -> (a, a)
fib' 0 = (0, 0)
fib' 1 = (0, 1)
fib' x = (b, a + b)
where (a, b) = fib'(x-1)
fib :: (Integral a) => a -> a
fib x = result
where (_, result) = fib'(x)
class ResponsePadder
def initialize (app, minlength, pad=' ', &condition)
@app = app
@minlength = minlength
@pad = pad
@condition = condition
def call (env)
response =
Twisol / ansi.js
Created May 2, 2011 00:29
ANSI sequence parser (Node.js) and client-side renderer
var sys = require("sys");
var ANSI = (function() {
sys.inherits(ANSI, require("events").EventEmitter);
function ANSI() {
this.state = "plain";
Twisol / <output>
Created May 5, 2011 03:09
ANSI parser written in C++
FG: 7 BG: 0
Italic: 0
Underline: 0
Strike: 0
Text: this is
FG: 9 BG: 0
Italic: 0
Underline: 0
Strike: 0
Twisol / escaper.rb
Created May 16, 2011 20:13
JSON parser in kpeg
module StringEscaper
def process_escapes (str)
str.gsub! /\\(u\d{4}|\D)/m do
seq = $1
case seq
when '/' then "\/"
when 'b' then "\b"
when 'f' then "\f"
when 'n' then "\n"
when 'r' then "\r"
%% name = Lupin::Parser
%% {
require 'rubinius/debugger'
require 'ast'
attr_accessor :ast
def process_string_escapes (text)
text = text.to_s
text.gsub! /\\(\d{1,3}|\D)/m do