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class Integer
def factor_of? (other)
other % self == 0
1.upto(100) do |x|
bt = (3.factor_of?(x) ? "" :"not ") + "divisible by 3"
bf = (5.factor_of?(x) ? "" : "not ") + "divisible by 5"
puts "The value #{x} is #{bt} and is #{bf}"
Twisol / eater.js
Created October 3, 2016 09:50 — forked from icemnki/eater.js
function ( a , { t } )
var c = { } , p , v , r , x , s , i = 0 ,
P = "red0purple0blue0cyan0green0lime0yellow0orange020305070110130170190230290310370410430470530590610670710730790830890970unlock0open0release" . split ( 0 ) ,
z = "21!|35!|40!|1!|2!|3!|or n|d c| com|k c|color_digit|c002_complement|c003_triad_1|c003_triad_2|!d|t d|pr",
Z = z . split ( '|' )
for ( ; v = ( r = t . call ( c ) ) . match ( z ) ; c [ p ] = x , i ++ )
s = Z . indexOf ( v = v [ 0 ] ) ,
s > 15 ? c . ez_prime = + P [ i % 25 + 8 ] :