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MasonSlover / faceTracking.pde
Last active September 29, 2020 17:57
A .pde framework for facial tracking and augmentation projects
import gab.opencv.*;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
OpenCV opencv;
Rectangle[] faces;
Capture cam;
//Variables representing the location of center of face
MasonSlover / SFSymbolTitles.swift
Last active January 9, 2025 05:37
A .swift file with all SF Symbols titles in arrays, separated by category for app development and icon selection
//The following file has 20 arrays, allSymbols[] has the title of every SFSymbol, and the remaining 19 arrays have the following categories:
//communication, weather, objectsAndTools, devices, connectivity, transportation, human, nature, editing, textFormatting, media, keyboard, commerce, time, health, shapes, arrows, indicies, math
private var allSymbols = ["", "", "", "", "0.square", "00.square", "0.square.fill", "00.square.fill", "", "", "", "", "1.magnifyingglass", "1.square", "01.square", "1.square.fill", "01.square.fill", "", "", "", "", "2.square", "02.square", "2.square.fill", "02.square.fill", "", "", "", "", "3.square", "03.square", "3.square.fill", "03.square.fill", "", "", "4.alt.square", "4.alt.square.fill", "", "", "", "", "4.square", "04.square", "4