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Last active January 26, 2017 21:08
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# (Run this code with Python 3 only.)
# This program decodes a secret message by advancing each
# letter by 2 places. Spaces and punctuation should remain
# unchanged.
# Examples:
# "nwrfml" decodes into: "python"
# "ynnjc" decodes into: "apple"
# Notice how the encoded 'y' wraps back to 'a'.
# How would you rewrite this code to be more readable?
# ----------------------------------------------------
def decode(message):
plain_message = ""
for character in message:
if ord(character) >= 97 and ord(character) <= (122):
decoded_value = ord(character) + 2
decoded_value = decoded_value if decoded_value <= 122 else (96 + decoded_value - 122)
plain_message += chr(decoded_value)
plain_message += character
return plain_message
secret_message = "g fmnc wms bgbl'r rpylqjyrc gr zw fylb. \
rfyr'q ufyr amknsrcpq ypc dmp."
decoded_message = decode(secret_message)
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