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Created March 5, 2019 08:08
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import axios from 'axios';
// my vuex store
import store from './../store';
axios.defaults.withCredentials = true;
const apiVersion = 'v1';
const apiClient = axios.create({
baseURL: 'https://XYZ/api/' + apiVersion + '/',
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'
config => {
if (store !== undefined) {
// inject the csrf token into the headers
config.headers.CRAFT_CSRF_TOKEN = store.getters['user/getCsrfTokenValue'];
return config;
error => Promise.reject(error)
// Add a response interceptor
response => {
return response;
error => {
// Response is my service to handle all Ajax Requests
// in case of global errors to display generic error messages
// that can't be handled via `` property
return Promise.reject(error);
export default apiClient;
// ...
// usage example
import apiClient from "./index";
export default {
return'user', data);
return apiClient.get('user');
return apiClient.get('user/' + id);
return apiClient.get('user/logout');
return promise ='user/login', data);
return apiClient.get('/user/get-identity');
checkRemainingSessionTime(extend = false){
let url = '/user/get-remaining-session-time';
if(extend === false){
url += '?dontExtendSession=1'
return apiClient.get(url);
* Module for Craft CMS 3.x
* The base Web Controller to handle Axios Requests
* Created with PhpStorm.
* @link
* @email [email protected]
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2019 Robin Schambach
namespace modules\api\base\base;
use Craft;
use craft\web\Controller;
class WebController extends Controller
* @var array List of allowed verbs for this Controller
public $verbs = ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS'];
* actions
* @return array
* @author Robin Schambach
* @since 05.03.2019
public function actions(): array
$actions = parent::actions();
$actions['options'] = [
'class' => OptionsAction::class // the action to handle `OPTIONS` Requests in order to return the correct headers
return $actions;
* behaviors
* @return array
* @author Robin Schambach
* @since 04.03.2019
public function behaviors(): array
$behaviors = parent::behaviors();
// add a CORS Behavior to send and accept the correct headers
$tokenName = Craft::$app->getConfig()->getGeneral()->csrfTokenName;
$behaviors[] = [
'class' => \modules\api\base\filters\Cors::class,
'cors' => [
// restrict access to domains:
'Allow' => $this->verbs,
'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => 'true',
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' => $this->verbs,
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' => [
$tokenName, //'CRAFT_CSRF_TOKEN',
'X-CSRF-Token, Origin',
'Access-Control-Request-Headers' => [
$tokenName, //'CRAFT_CSRF_TOKEN'
'X-CSRF-Token, Origin',
// input your correct allowed URLs here
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => ['http://localhost:8080', 'http://localhost:8082'],
'Origin' => ['http://localhost:8080', 'http://localhost:8082'],
'Access-Control-Max-Age' => 3600
return $behaviors;
// ...
function(RegisterUrlRulesEvent $event) {
// Add a Web Controller
// handle POST and GET request with the corresponding action
$event->rules[] = [
'class' => \yii\web\UrlRule::class,
'pattern' => 'api/v1/translations/<action>',
'verb' => ['GET', 'POST'],
'route' => 'v1/translations/<action>',
'defaults' => [
'action' => 'index'
// handle OPTIONS requests always with the `OPTIONS` action
$event->rules[] = [
'class' => \yii\web\UrlRule::class,
'pattern' => 'api/v1/translations/<action>',
'verb' => ['OPTIONS'],
'route' => 'v1/translations/options',
'defaults' => [
'action' => 'options'
// How to register Rest Controller Rules
$event->rules[] = [
'class' => \yii\rest\UrlRule::class,
'prefix' => 'api',
'controller' => ['v1/user'],
'pluralize' => false,
'extraPatterns' => [
'OPTIONS login' => 'options',
'OPTIONS test' => 'options',
'OPTIONS logout' => 'options',
'OPTIONS get-identity' => 'options',
'OPTIONS get-remaining-session-time' => 'options',
'POST login' => 'login',
'GET get-remaining-session-time' => 'get-remaining-session-time',
'GET get-identity' => 'get-identity',
'GET logout' => 'logout',
'GET login' => 'login',
* Module for Craft CMS 3.x
* Created with PhpStorm.
* @link
* @email [email protected]
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2019 Robin Schambach
namespace modules\api\base\base;
use Craft;
use yii\base\Action;
class WebOptions extends Action
* @var array the HTTP verbs that are supported by the collection URL
public $collectionOptions = ['GET', 'POST', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS'];
* @var array the HTTP verbs that are supported by the resource URL
public $resourceOptions = ['GET', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS'];
* Responds to the OPTIONS request.
* @param string $id
public function run($id = null)
if (Craft::$app->getRequest()->getMethod() !== 'OPTIONS') {
$options = $id === null ? $this->collectionOptions : $this->resourceOptions;
$headers = Craft::$app->getResponse()->getHeaders();
$headers->set('Allow', implode(', ', $options));
$headers->set('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', implode(', ', $options));
$headers->set('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'X-CSRF-Token, Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept');
$headers->set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
* Module for Craft CMS 3.x
* Created with PhpStorm.
* @link
* @email [email protected]
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2019 Robin Schambach
namespace modules\api\v1\controllers;
use Craft;
use craft\db\Query;
use modules\api\base\base\WebController;
* Class TranslationsController
* @package modules\api\v1\controllers
* @since 05.03.2019
class TranslationsController extends WebController
* There won't be a user yet... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
* @var bool $allowAnonymous
public $allowAnonymous = true;
* Set it to false since this is one of the first requests
* @var bool $enableCsrfValidation
public $enableCsrfValidation = false;
* actionIndex default action to return all the
* required translations for the App
* @return \yii\web\Response
* @author Robin Schambach
* @since 04.03.2019
public function actionIndex(): \yii\web\Response
$query = (new Query())
->from(['source' => '{{%source_message}}'])
->where(['source.category' => 'desk']);
$query->leftJoin('{{%message}} message', '[[]] = [[]] AND message.language = :lang');
$query->addParams(['lang' => Craft::$app->language]);
$translations = $query->all();
return $this->asJson(
'success' => true,
'translations' => $translations
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