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Created November 21, 2022 11:19
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API diff: Microsoft.iOS.dll


Assembly Version Changed: ->

Namespace AVFoundation

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVAssetImageGenerator

Added method:

public void GenerateCGImagesAsynchronously (Foundation.NSValue[] cmTimesRequestedTimes, AVAssetImageGeneratorCompletionHandler2 handler);

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVAssetWriter

Obsoleted properties:

 [Obsolete ("Use the 'Inputs' property instead.")]
 public virtual AVAssetWriterInput[] inputs { get; }

Added property:

public virtual AVAssetWriterInput[] Inputs { get; }

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVAudioRecorder

Obsoleted properties:

 [Obsolete ("Use the 'CurrentTime' property instead.")]
 public virtual double currentTime { get; }

Added property:

public virtual double CurrentTime { get; }

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVCaptureDeviceFormat

Obsoleted properties:

 [Obsolete ("Use the 'IsVideoHdrSupported' property instead.")]
 public virtual bool videoHDRSupportedVideoHDREnabled { get; }

Added property:

public virtual bool IsVideoHdrSupported { get; }

New Type: AVFoundation.AVAssetImageGeneratorCompletionHandler2

public sealed delegate AVAssetImageGeneratorCompletionHandler2 : System.MulticastDelegate {
	// constructors
	public AVAssetImageGeneratorCompletionHandler2 (object object, IntPtr method);
	// methods
	public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (CoreMedia.CMTime requestedTime, CoreGraphics.CGImage imageRef, CoreMedia.CMTime actualTime, AVAssetImageGeneratorResult result, Foundation.NSError error, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
	public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
	public virtual void Invoke (CoreMedia.CMTime requestedTime, CoreGraphics.CGImage imageRef, CoreMedia.CMTime actualTime, AVAssetImageGeneratorResult result, Foundation.NSError error);

Namespace AudioUnit

Type Changed: AudioUnit.AudioComponentType

Added value:

SpeechSynthesize = 1635087216,

Namespace CoreData

Type Changed: CoreData.NSPersistentStoreCoordinator

Obsoleted properties:

 [Obsolete ("Use 'UbiquitousContainerIdentifierKey' instead.")]
 public static Foundation.NSString eUbiquitousContainerIdentifierKey { get; }

Namespace CoreFoundation

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFSocket

Added properties:

public System.Net.IPEndPoint Address { get; }
public System.Net.IPEndPoint RemoteAddress { get; }

Added method:

public void Invalidate ();

Namespace CoreLocation

Type Changed: CoreLocation.CLError

Added value:

HistoricalLocationError = 19,

Namespace CoreMedia

Type Changed: CoreMedia.CMSampleBufferAttachmentKey

Added value:

Hdr10PlusPerFrameData = 34,

Type Changed: CoreMedia.CMSampleBufferAttachmentSettings

Added property:

public Foundation.NSData Hdr10PlusPerFrameData { get; set; }

Namespace Foundation

Type Changed: Foundation.NSArray

Added interfaces:


Added methods:

public TKey[] ToArray<TKey> ();
public NSObject[] ToArray ();

Type Changed: Foundation.NSArray`1

Added method:

public TKey[] ToArray ();

Type Changed: Foundation.NSAttributedString

Obsoleted methods:

 [Obsolete ("Use 'GetData' instead.")]
 public NSData GetDataFromRange (NSRange range, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes documentAttributes, ref NSError error);
 [Obsolete ("Use 'GetData' instead.")]
 public virtual NSData GetDataFromRange (NSRange range, NSDictionary attributes, ref NSError error);
 [Obsolete ("Use 'GetFileWrapper' instead.")]
 public NSFileWrapper GetFileWrapperFromRange (NSRange range, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes documentAttributes, ref NSError error);
 [Obsolete ("Use 'GetFileWrapper' instead.")]
 public virtual NSFileWrapper GetFileWrapperFromRange (NSRange range, NSDictionary attributes, ref NSError error);

Added methods:

public NSData GetData (NSRange range, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options, out NSError error);
public NSData GetData (NSRange range, NSDictionary options, out NSError error);
public NSFileWrapper GetFileWrapper (NSRange range, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options, out NSError error);
public NSFileWrapper GetFileWrapper (NSRange range, NSDictionary options, out NSError error);

Type Changed: Foundation.NSBundle

Obsoleted properties:

 [Obsolete ("Use the 'AllBundles' property instead.")]
 public static NSBundle[] _AllBundles { get; }

Added property:

public static NSBundle[] AllBundles { get; }

Type Changed: Foundation.NSMutableUrlRequest

Added property:

public virtual bool RequiresDnsSecValidation { get; set; }

Type Changed: Foundation.NSOperatingSystemVersion

Added constructors:

public NSOperatingSystemVersion (IntPtr major);
public NSOperatingSystemVersion (IntPtr major, IntPtr minor);

Added interfaces:


Added methods:

public int CompareTo (NSOperatingSystemVersion otherVersion);
public virtual int CompareTo (object obj);
public virtual bool Equals (NSOperatingSystemVersion other);
public override bool Equals (object obj);
public override int GetHashCode ();
public static bool op_Equality (NSOperatingSystemVersion os1, NSOperatingSystemVersion os2);
public static bool op_Inequality (NSOperatingSystemVersion os1, NSOperatingSystemVersion os2);

Type Changed: Foundation.NSUrlRequest

Added property:

public virtual bool RequiresDnsSecValidation { get; }

Namespace GameController

New Type: GameController.ElementValueDidChangeHandler

public sealed delegate ElementValueDidChangeHandler : System.MulticastDelegate {
	// constructors
	public ElementValueDidChangeHandler (object object, IntPtr method);
	// methods
	public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (IGCDevicePhysicalInput physicalInput, IGCPhysicalInputElement element, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
	public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
	public virtual void Invoke (IGCDevicePhysicalInput physicalInput, IGCPhysicalInputElement element);

New Type: GameController.IGCAxisElement

public interface IGCAxisElement : IGCPhysicalInputElement, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// properties
	public virtual IGCAxisInput AbsoluteInput { get; }
	public virtual IGCRelativeInput RelativeInput { get; }

New Type: GameController.IGCAxisInput

public interface IGCAxisInput : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// properties
	public virtual bool Analog { get; }
	public virtual bool CanWrap { get; }
	public virtual double LastValueLatency { get; }
	public virtual double LastValueTimestamp { get; }
	public virtual float Value { get; }
	public virtual System.Action<IGCPhysicalInputElement,GameController.IGCAxisInput,System.Single> ValueDidChangeHandler { get; set; }

New Type: GameController.IGCButtonElement

public interface IGCButtonElement : IGCPhysicalInputElement, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// properties
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject PressedInput { get; }
	public virtual IGCTouchedStateInput TouchedInput { get; }

New Type: GameController.IGCDevicePhysicalInput

public interface IGCDevicePhysicalInput : IGCDevicePhysicalInputState, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// properties
	public virtual IGCDevicePhysicalInputState Capture { get; }
	public virtual IGCDevice Device { get; }
	public virtual ElementValueDidChangeHandler ElementValueDidChangeHandler { get; set; }
	public virtual InputStateAvailableHandler InputStateAvailableHandler { get; set; }
	public virtual IntPtr InputStateQueueDepth { get; set; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject NextInputState { get; }

New Type: GameController.IGCDevicePhysicalInputState

public interface IGCDevicePhysicalInputState : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// properties
	public virtual IGCDevice Device { get; }
	public virtual double LastEventLatency { get; }
	public virtual double LastEventTimestamp { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual IGCPhysicalInputElement GetObject (string key);

New Type: GameController.IGCDevicePhysicalInputStateDiff

public interface IGCDevicePhysicalInputStateDiff : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// properties
	public virtual Foundation.NSEnumerator<IGCPhysicalInputElement> ChangedElements { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual GCDevicePhysicalInputElementChange GetChange (IGCPhysicalInputElement element);

New Type: GameController.IGCDirectionPadElement

public interface IGCDirectionPadElement : IGCPhysicalInputElement, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// properties
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject Down { get; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject Left { get; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject Right { get; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject Up { get; }
	public virtual IGCAxisInput XAxis { get; }
	public virtual IGCAxisInput YAxis { get; }

New Type: GameController.IGCLinearInput

public interface IGCLinearInput : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// properties
	public virtual bool Analog { get; }
	public virtual bool CanWrap { get; }
	public virtual double LastValueLatency { get; }
	public virtual double LastValueTimestamp { get; }
	public virtual float Value { get; }
	public virtual System.Action<IGCPhysicalInputElement,GameController.IGCLinearInput,System.Single> ValueDidChangeHandler { get; set; }

New Type: GameController.IGCPhysicalInputElement

public interface IGCPhysicalInputElement : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// properties
	public virtual Foundation.NSSet<Foundation.NSString> Aliases { get; }
	public virtual string LocalizedName { get; }
	public virtual string SfSymbolsName { get; }

New Type: GameController.IGCPressedStateInput

public interface IGCPressedStateInput : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// properties
	public virtual double LastPressedStateLatency { get; }
	public virtual double LastPressedStateTimestamp { get; }
	public virtual bool Pressed { get; }
	public virtual System.Action<IGCPhysicalInputElement,GameController.IGCPressedStateInput,System.Boolean> PressedDidChangeHandler { get; set; }

New Type: GameController.IGCRelativeInput

public interface IGCRelativeInput : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// properties
	public virtual bool Analog { get; }
	public virtual float Delta { get; }
	public virtual System.Action<IGCPhysicalInputElement,GameController.IGCRelativeInput,System.Single> DeltaDidChangeHandler { get; set; }
	public virtual double LastDeltaLatency { get; }
	public virtual double LastDeltaTimestamp { get; }

New Type: GameController.IGCSwitchElement

public interface IGCSwitchElement : IGCPhysicalInputElement, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// properties
	public virtual IGCSwitchPositionInput PositionInput { get; }

New Type: GameController.IGCSwitchPositionInput

public interface IGCSwitchPositionInput : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// properties
	public virtual bool CanWrap { get; }
	public virtual double LastPositionLatency { get; }
	public virtual double LastPositionTimestamp { get; }
	public virtual IntPtr Position { get; }
	public virtual System.Action<IGCPhysicalInputElement,GameController.IGCSwitchPositionInput,System.IntPtr> PositionDidChangeHandler { get; set; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSRange PositionRange { get; }
	public virtual bool Sequential { get; }

New Type: GameController.IGCTouchedStateInput

public interface IGCTouchedStateInput : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// properties
	public virtual double LastTouchedStateLatency { get; }
	public virtual double LastTouchedStateTimestamp { get; }
	public virtual bool Touched { get; }
	public virtual System.Action<IGCPhysicalInputElement,GameController.IGCTouchedStateInput,System.Boolean> TouchedDidChangeHandler { get; set; }

New Type: GameController.InputStateAvailableHandler

public sealed delegate InputStateAvailableHandler : System.MulticastDelegate {
	// constructors
	public InputStateAvailableHandler (object object, IntPtr method);
	// methods
	public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (IGCDevicePhysicalInput physicalInput, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
	public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
	public virtual void Invoke (IGCDevicePhysicalInput physicalInput);

Namespace HealthKit

Type Changed: HealthKit.HKCategoryTypeIdentifier

Added values:

InfrequentMenstrualCycles = 62,
IrregularMenstrualCycles = 63,
PersistentIntermenstrualBleeding = 64,
ProlongedMenstrualPeriods = 65,

Type Changed: HealthKit.HKQuantityTypeIdentifier

Added values:

AppleSleepingWristTemperature = 100,
UnderwaterDepth = 101,
WaterTemperature = 102,

Namespace HomeKit

Type Changed: HomeKit.HMAccessory

Added property:

public virtual Foundation.NSNumber MatterNodeId { get; }

Type Changed: HomeKit.HMAccessorySetupManager

Obsoleted methods:

 [Obsolete ("This API has been removed from the 'HomeKit' framework.")]
 public virtual void AddAndSetUpAccessories (HMMatterTopology topology, System.Action<Foundation.NSError> completion);
 [Obsolete ("This API has been removed from the 'HomeKit' framework.")]
 public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task AddAndSetUpAccessoriesAsync (HMMatterTopology topology);
 [Obsolete ("This API has been removed from the 'HomeKit' framework.")]
 public virtual void PerformMatterEcosystemAccessorySetup (HMAccessorySetupRequest request, HMMatterTopology topology, System.Action<Foundation.NSError> completion);
 [Obsolete ("This API has been removed from the 'HomeKit' framework.")]
 public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task PerformMatterEcosystemAccessorySetupAsync (HMAccessorySetupRequest request, HMMatterTopology topology);

Type Changed: HomeKit.HMHome

Added properties:

public virtual string MatterControllerId { get; }
public virtual System.Func<Foundation.NSXpcConnection> MatterControllerXPCConnectBlock { get; }

Namespace MapKit

Type Changed: MapKit.MKDirectionsRequest

Added properties:

public virtual MKDirectionsRoutePreference HighwayPreference { get; set; }
public virtual MKDirectionsRoutePreference TollPreference { get; set; }

Type Changed: MapKit.MKMapCamera

Added method:

public static MKMapCamera CameraLookingAt (MKMapItem mapItem, CoreGraphics.CGSize viewSize, bool allowPitch);

Type Changed: MapKit.MKMapView

Added properties:

public virtual MKMapConfiguration PreferredConfiguration { get; set; }
public virtual MKMapFeatureOptions SelectableMapFeatures { get; set; }

Added events:

public event System.EventHandler<MKAnnotationEventArgs> DidDeselectAnnotation;
public event System.EventHandler<MKAnnotationEventArgs> DidSelectAnnotation;

Type Changed: MapKit.MKMapViewDelegate

Added methods:

public virtual void DidDeselectAnnotation (MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation annotation);
public virtual void DidSelectAnnotation (MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation annotation);

Type Changed: MapKit.MKMapViewDelegate_Extensions

Added methods:

public static void DidDeselectAnnotation (this IMKMapViewDelegate This, MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation annotation);
public static void DidSelectAnnotation (this IMKMapViewDelegate This, MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation annotation);

Type Changed: MapKit.MKOverlayRenderer

Added property:

public virtual CoreGraphics.CGBlendMode BlendMode { get; set; }

Type Changed: MapKit.MKReverseGeocoder

Obsoleted properties:

 [Obsolete ("Use the 'Coordinate' property instead.")]
 public virtual CoreLocation.CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate { get; }

Added property:

public virtual CoreLocation.CLLocationCoordinate2D Coordinate { get; }

Type Changed: MapKit.MKRoute

Added properties:

public virtual bool HasHighways { get; }
public virtual bool HasTolls { get; }

New Type: MapKit.IMKLookAroundViewControllerDelegate

public interface IMKLookAroundViewControllerDelegate : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {

New Type: MapKit.MKAnnotationEventArgs

public class MKAnnotationEventArgs : System.EventArgs {
	// constructors
	public MKAnnotationEventArgs (IMKAnnotation annotation);
	// properties
	public IMKAnnotation Annotation { get; set; }

New Type: MapKit.MKDirectionsRoutePreference

public enum MKDirectionsRoutePreference {
	Any = 0,
	Avoid = 1,

New Type: MapKit.MKHybridMapConfiguration

public class MKHybridMapConfiguration : MapKit.MKMapConfiguration {
	// constructors
	public MKHybridMapConfiguration ();
	public MKHybridMapConfiguration (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected MKHybridMapConfiguration (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	public MKHybridMapConfiguration (MKMapElevationStyle elevationStyle);
	protected MKHybridMapConfiguration (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual MKPointOfInterestFilter PointOfInterestFilter { get; set; }
	public virtual bool ShowsTraffic { get; set; }

New Type: MapKit.MKIconStyle

public class MKIconStyle : Foundation.NSObject {
	// constructors
	protected MKIconStyle (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected MKIconStyle (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public virtual UIKit.UIColor BackgroundColor { get; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual UIKit.UIImage Image { get; }

New Type: MapKit.MKImageryMapConfiguration

public class MKImageryMapConfiguration : MapKit.MKMapConfiguration {
	// constructors
	public MKImageryMapConfiguration ();
	public MKImageryMapConfiguration (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected MKImageryMapConfiguration (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	public MKImageryMapConfiguration (MKMapElevationStyle elevationStyle);
	protected MKImageryMapConfiguration (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }

New Type: MapKit.MKLookAroundBadgePosition

public enum MKLookAroundBadgePosition {
	BottomTrailing = 2,
	TopLeading = 0,
	TopTrailing = 1,

New Type: MapKit.MKLookAroundScene

public class MKLookAroundScene : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	protected MKLookAroundScene (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected MKLookAroundScene (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);

New Type: MapKit.MKLookAroundSceneRequest

public class MKLookAroundSceneRequest : Foundation.NSObject {
	// constructors
	public MKLookAroundSceneRequest (CoreLocation.CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate);
	protected MKLookAroundSceneRequest (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	public MKLookAroundSceneRequest (MKMapItem mapItem);
	protected MKLookAroundSceneRequest (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual CoreLocation.CLLocationCoordinate2D Coordinate { get; }
	public virtual bool IsCancelled { get; }
	public virtual bool IsLoading { get; }
	public virtual MKMapItem MapItem { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual void Cancel ();
	public virtual void GetScene (System.Action<MKLookAroundScene,Foundation.NSError> completionHandler);
	public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<MKLookAroundScene> GetSceneAsync ();

New Type: MapKit.MKLookAroundSnapshot

public class MKLookAroundSnapshot : Foundation.NSObject {
	// constructors
	protected MKLookAroundSnapshot (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected MKLookAroundSnapshot (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual UIKit.UIImage Image { get; }

New Type: MapKit.MKLookAroundSnapshotOptions

public class MKLookAroundSnapshotOptions : Foundation.NSObject {
	// constructors
	public MKLookAroundSnapshotOptions ();
	protected MKLookAroundSnapshotOptions (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected MKLookAroundSnapshotOptions (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual MKPointOfInterestFilter PointOfInterestFilter { get; set; }
	public virtual CoreGraphics.CGSize Size { get; set; }
	public virtual UIKit.UITraitCollection TraitCollection { get; set; }

New Type: MapKit.MKLookAroundSnapshotter

public class MKLookAroundSnapshotter : Foundation.NSObject {
	// constructors
	protected MKLookAroundSnapshotter (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected MKLookAroundSnapshotter (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public MKLookAroundSnapshotter (MKLookAroundScene scene, MKLookAroundSnapshotOptions options);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual bool IsLoading { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual void Cancel ();
	public virtual void GetSnapshot (System.Action<MKLookAroundSnapshot,Foundation.NSError> completionHandler);
	public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<MKLookAroundSnapshot> GetSnapshotAsync ();

New Type: MapKit.MKLookAroundViewController

public class MKLookAroundViewController : UIKit.UIViewController, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSSecureCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public MKLookAroundViewController ();
	public MKLookAroundViewController (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected MKLookAroundViewController (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	public MKLookAroundViewController (MKLookAroundScene scene);
	protected MKLookAroundViewController (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public MKLookAroundViewController (string nibName, Foundation.NSBundle nibBundle);
	// properties
	public virtual MKLookAroundBadgePosition BadgePosition { get; set; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public IMKLookAroundViewControllerDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
	public virtual bool NavigationEnabled { get; set; }
	public virtual MKPointOfInterestFilter PointOfInterestFilter { get; set; }
	public virtual MKLookAroundScene Scene { get; set; }
	public virtual bool ShowsRoadLabels { get; set; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
	// methods
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
	public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);

New Type: MapKit.MKLookAroundViewControllerDelegate

public class MKLookAroundViewControllerDelegate : Foundation.NSObject, IMKLookAroundViewControllerDelegate, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public MKLookAroundViewControllerDelegate ();
	protected MKLookAroundViewControllerDelegate (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected MKLookAroundViewControllerDelegate (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// methods
	public virtual void DidDismissFullScreen (MKLookAroundViewController viewController);
	public virtual void DidPresentFullScreen (MKLookAroundViewController viewController);
	public virtual void DidUpdateScene (MKLookAroundViewController viewController);
	public virtual void WillDismissFullScreen (MKLookAroundViewController viewController);
	public virtual void WillPresentFullScreen (MKLookAroundViewController viewController);
	public virtual void WillUpdateScene (MKLookAroundViewController viewController);

New Type: MapKit.MKLookAroundViewControllerDelegate_Extensions

public static class MKLookAroundViewControllerDelegate_Extensions {
	// methods
	public static void DidDismissFullScreen (this IMKLookAroundViewControllerDelegate This, MKLookAroundViewController viewController);
	public static void DidPresentFullScreen (this IMKLookAroundViewControllerDelegate This, MKLookAroundViewController viewController);
	public static void DidUpdateScene (this IMKLookAroundViewControllerDelegate This, MKLookAroundViewController viewController);
	public static void WillDismissFullScreen (this IMKLookAroundViewControllerDelegate This, MKLookAroundViewController viewController);
	public static void WillPresentFullScreen (this IMKLookAroundViewControllerDelegate This, MKLookAroundViewController viewController);
	public static void WillUpdateScene (this IMKLookAroundViewControllerDelegate This, MKLookAroundViewController viewController);

New Type: MapKit.MKMapConfiguration

public class MKMapConfiguration : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSCopying, Foundation.INSSecureCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public MKMapConfiguration (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected MKMapConfiguration (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected MKMapConfiguration (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual MKMapElevationStyle ElevationStyle { get; set; }
	// methods
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
	public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);

New Type: MapKit.MKMapElevationStyle

public enum MKMapElevationStyle {
	Flat = 0,
	Realistic = 1,

New Type: MapKit.MKMapFeatureAnnotation

public class MKMapFeatureAnnotation : Foundation.NSObject, IMKAnnotation, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	protected MKMapFeatureAnnotation (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected MKMapFeatureAnnotation (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual CoreLocation.CLLocationCoordinate2D Coordinate { get; }
	public virtual MKMapFeatureType FeatureType { get; }
	public virtual MKIconStyle IconStyle { get; }
	public virtual MKPointOfInterestCategory PointOfInterestCategory { get; }
	public virtual string Subtitle { get; }
	public virtual string Title { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual void SetCoordinate (CoreLocation.CLLocationCoordinate2D value);

New Type: MapKit.MKMapFeatureOptions

public enum MKMapFeatureOptions {
	PhysicalFeatures = 4,
	PointsOfInterest = 1,
	Territories = 2,

New Type: MapKit.MKMapFeatureType

public enum MKMapFeatureType {
	PhysicalFeature = 2,
	PointOfInterest = 0,
	Territory = 1,

New Type: MapKit.MKMapItemRequest

public class MKMapItemRequest : Foundation.NSObject {
	// constructors
	protected MKMapItemRequest (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	public MKMapItemRequest (MKMapFeatureAnnotation mapFeatureAnnotation);
	protected MKMapItemRequest (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual MKMapFeatureAnnotation FeatureAnnotation { get; }
	public virtual bool IsCancelled { get; }
	public virtual bool IsLoading { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual void Cancel ();
	public virtual void GetMapItem (System.Action<MKMapItem,Foundation.NSError> completionHandler);
	public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<MKMapItem> GetMapItemAsync ();

New Type: MapKit.MKStandardMapConfiguration

public class MKStandardMapConfiguration : MapKit.MKMapConfiguration {
	// constructors
	public MKStandardMapConfiguration ();
	public MKStandardMapConfiguration (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected MKStandardMapConfiguration (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	public MKStandardMapConfiguration (MKMapElevationStyle elevationStyle);
	public MKStandardMapConfiguration (MKStandardMapEmphasisStyle emphasisStyle);
	protected MKStandardMapConfiguration (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public MKStandardMapConfiguration (MKMapElevationStyle elevationStyle, MKStandardMapEmphasisStyle emphasisStyle);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual MKStandardMapEmphasisStyle EmphasisStyle { get; set; }
	public virtual MKPointOfInterestFilter PointOfInterestFilter { get; set; }
	public virtual bool ShowsTraffic { get; set; }

New Type: MapKit.MKStandardMapEmphasisStyle

public enum MKStandardMapEmphasisStyle {
	Default = 0,
	Muted = 1,

Namespace Network

Type Changed: Network.NWDataTransferReport

Obsoleted methods:

 [Obsolete ("Use the 'GetPathRadioType' property instead.")]
 public NWInterfaceRadioType get_path_radio_type (uint pathIndex);

Added method:

public NWInterfaceRadioType GetPathRadioType (uint pathIndex);

Type Changed: Network.NWPath

Obsoleted methods:

 [Obsolete ("Use the overload that takes a 'Func<NWEndpoint, bool>' instead.")]
 public void EnumerateGateways (System.Action<NWEndpoint> callback);
 [Obsolete ("Use the overload that takes a 'Func<NWInterface, bool>' instead.")]
 public void EnumerateInterfaces (System.Action<NWInterface> callback);

Added methods:

public void EnumerateGateways (System.Func<NWEndpoint,System.Boolean> callback);
public void EnumerateInterfaces (System.Func<NWInterface,System.Boolean> callback);

Namespace ObjCRuntime

Type Changed: ObjCRuntime.Constants

Modified fields:

-public const string SdkVersion = "16.0";
+public const string SdkVersion = "16.1";
-public const string SharedWithYouLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/SharedWithYouCore.framework/SharedWithYouCore";
+public const string SharedWithYouLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/SharedWithYou.framework/SharedWithYou";
-public const string Version = "16.0.0";
+public const string Version = "16.1.1";

Added field:

public static const string BackgroundAssetsLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/BackgroundAssets.framework/BackgroundAssets";

Namespace Photos

Type Changed: Photos.PHFetchResult

Obsoleted properties:

 [Obsolete ("Use the 'FirstObject' property instead.")]
 public virtual Foundation.NSObject firstObject { get; }

Added property:

public virtual Foundation.NSObject FirstObject { get; }

Namespace SharedWithYou

Type Changed: SharedWithYou.SWHighlightCenter

Added method:

public virtual void ClearNotices (SWCollaborationHighlight highlight);

Namespace SharedWithYouCore

Type Changed: SharedWithYouCore.SWCollaborationMetadata

Added constructor:

public SWCollaborationMetadata (string identifier, SWIdentifierType identifierType);

New Type: SharedWithYouCore.SWIdentifierType

public enum SWIdentifierType {
	Collaboration = 1,
	Local = 0,

Namespace StoreKit

Type Changed: StoreKit.SKAdImpression

Added property:

public virtual Foundation.NSNumber SourceIdentifier { get; set; }

Type Changed: StoreKit.SKAdNetwork

Added methods:

public static void UpdatePostback (IntPtr conversionValue, SKAdNetworkCoarseConversionValue coarseValue, System.Action<Foundation.NSError> completion);
public static void UpdatePostback (IntPtr conversionValue, SKAdNetworkCoarseConversionValue coarseValue, bool lockWindow, System.Action<Foundation.NSError> completion);
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task UpdatePostbackAsync (IntPtr conversionValue, SKAdNetworkCoarseConversionValue coarseValue);
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task UpdatePostbackAsync (IntPtr conversionValue, SKAdNetworkCoarseConversionValue coarseValue, bool lockWindow);

Type Changed: StoreKit.SKStoreProductParameterKey

Added property:

public static Foundation.NSString AdNetworkSourceIdentifier { get; }

New Type: StoreKit.SKAdNetworkCoarseConversionValue

public enum SKAdNetworkCoarseConversionValue {
	High = 0,
	Low = 2,
	Medium = 1,

New Type: StoreKit.SKAdNetworkCoarseConversionValueExtensions

public static class SKAdNetworkCoarseConversionValueExtensions {
	// methods
	public static Foundation.NSString GetConstant (this SKAdNetworkCoarseConversionValue self);
	public static SKAdNetworkCoarseConversionValue GetValue (Foundation.NSString constant);

Namespace UIKit

Type Changed: UIKit.UIConfigurationColorTransformer

Obsoleted properties:

 [Obsolete ("Use the 'MonochromeTint' property instead.")]
 public static IntPtr _MonochromeTint { get; }
 [Obsolete ("Use the 'PreferredTint' property instead.")]
 public static IntPtr _PreferredTint { get; }

Type Changed: UIKit.UIFont

Obsoleted properties:

 [Obsolete ("Use the 'XHeight' property instead.")]
 public virtual System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat xHeight { get; }

Added property:

public virtual System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat XHeight { get; }

Type Changed: UIKit.UIHoverGestureRecognizer

Added constructor:

public UIHoverGestureRecognizer (System.Action<UIHoverGestureRecognizer> action);

Added property:

public virtual System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat ZOffset { get; }

Namespace VideoToolbox

Type Changed: VideoToolbox.VTCompressionProperties

Added properties:

public float? BaseLayerBitRateFraction { get; set; }
public long? ConstantBitRate { get; set; }
public bool? EnableLowLatencyRateControl { get; set; }
public bool? EnableLtr { get; set; }
public long? EstimatedAverageBytesPerFrame { get; }
public uint? MaxAllowedFrameQP { get; set; }
public uint? MinAllowedFrameQP { get; }
public bool? OutputBitDepth { get; set; }
public bool? PreserveAlphaChannel { get; set; }
public long? ReferenceBufferCount { get; }
public bool? SupportsBaseFrameQP { get; }

Type Changed: VideoToolbox.VTCompressionPropertyKey

Added properties:

public static Foundation.NSString ConstantBitRate { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString EstimatedAverageBytesPerFrame { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString MinAllowedFrameQP { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString PreserveAlphaChannel { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString ReferenceBufferCount { get; }

Type Changed: VideoToolbox.VTStatus

Obsoleted fields:

 [Obsolete ("Use PixelRotationNotSupported enum value instead.")]
 ImageRotationNotSupported = -12914,

Added values:

PixelRotationNotSupported = -12914,
VideoDecoderCallbackMessaging = -17695,
VideoDecoderReferenceMissing = -17694,
VideoDecoderUnknownErr = -17696,

New Type: VideoToolbox.VTPixelRotationProperties

public class VTPixelRotationProperties : Foundation.DictionaryContainer {
	// constructors
	public VTPixelRotationProperties ();
	public VTPixelRotationProperties (Foundation.NSDictionary dictionary);
	// properties
	public bool? FlipHorizontalOrientation { get; set; }
	public bool? FlipVerticalOrientation { get; set; }
	public VTRotation Rotation { get; set; }

New Type: VideoToolbox.VTPixelRotationPropertyKeys

public static class VTPixelRotationPropertyKeys {
	// properties
	public static Foundation.NSString FlipHorizontalOrientation { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString FlipVerticalOrientation { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString Rotation { get; }

New Type: VideoToolbox.VTPixelRotationSession

public class VTPixelRotationSession : VideoToolbox.VTSession {
	// methods
	public static VTPixelRotationSession Create ();
	public static VTPixelRotationSession Create (CoreFoundation.CFAllocator allocator);
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
	public static IntPtr GetTypeID ();
	public VTStatus RotateImage (CoreVideo.CVPixelBuffer sourceBuffer, CoreVideo.CVPixelBuffer destinationBuffer);
	public VTStatus SetRotationProperties (VTPixelRotationProperties options);

New Type: VideoToolbox.VTPixelTransferSession

public class VTPixelTransferSession : VideoToolbox.VTSession {
	// methods
	public static VTPixelTransferSession Create ();
	public static VTPixelTransferSession Create (CoreFoundation.CFAllocator allocator);
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
	public static IntPtr GetTypeID ();
	public VTStatus SetTransferProperties (VTPixelTransferProperties options);
	public VTStatus TransferImage (CoreVideo.CVPixelBuffer sourceBuffer, CoreVideo.CVPixelBuffer destinationBuffer);

New Type: VideoToolbox.VTRotation

public enum VTRotation {
	ClockwiseNinety = 1,
	CounterclockwiseNinety = 3,
	OneHundredAndEighty = 2,
	Zero = 0,

New Type: VideoToolbox.VTRotationExtensions

public static class VTRotationExtensions {
	// methods
	public static Foundation.NSString GetConstant (this VTRotation self);
	public static VTRotation GetValue (Foundation.NSString constant);

New Namespace BackgroundAssets

New Type: BackgroundAssets.BAAppExtensionInfo

public class BAAppExtensionInfo : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSSecureCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public BAAppExtensionInfo (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected BAAppExtensionInfo (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected BAAppExtensionInfo (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public virtual string ApplicationIdentifier { get; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSDate LastApplicationLaunchTime { get; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSDate LastPeriodicCheckTime { get; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSNumber RestrictedDownloadSizeRemaining { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);

New Type: BackgroundAssets.BAContentRequest

public enum BAContentRequest {
	Install = 1,
	Periodic = 3,
	Update = 2,

New Type: BackgroundAssets.BADownload

public class BADownload : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSCopying, Foundation.INSSecureCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public BADownload (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected BADownload (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected BADownload (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSError Error { get; }
	public virtual string Identifier { get; }
	public virtual IntPtr Priority { get; }
	public virtual BADownloadState State { get; }
	public virtual string UniqueIdentifier { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
	public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);

New Type: BackgroundAssets.BADownloadManager

public class BADownloadManager : Foundation.NSObject {
	// constructors
	protected BADownloadManager (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected BADownloadManager (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public IBADownloadManagerDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
	public static BADownloadManager SharedManager { get; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
	// methods
	public virtual bool CancelDownload (BADownload download, out Foundation.NSError error);
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
	public virtual void FetchCurrentDownloads (System.Action<Foundation.NSArray<BADownload>> completionHandler);
	public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Foundation.NSArray<BADownload>> FetchCurrentDownloadsAsync ();
	public virtual void PerformWithExclusiveControl (System.Action<Foundation.NSError> performHandler);
	public virtual void PerformWithExclusiveControl (Foundation.NSDate date, System.Action<System.Boolean,Foundation.NSError> performHandler);
	public virtual void PerformWithExclusiveControlBeforeDate (Foundation.NSDate date, System.Action<System.Boolean,Foundation.NSError> performHandler);
	public virtual bool ScheduleDownload (BADownload download, out Foundation.NSError outError);
	public virtual bool StartForegroundDownload (BADownload download, out Foundation.NSError outError);

New Type: BackgroundAssets.BADownloadManagerDelegate

public class BADownloadManagerDelegate : Foundation.NSObject, IBADownloadManagerDelegate, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public BADownloadManagerDelegate ();
	protected BADownloadManagerDelegate (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected BADownloadManagerDelegate (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// methods
	public virtual void DidBegin (BADownload download);
	public virtual void DidPause (BADownload download);
	public virtual void DidReceiveChallenge (BADownload download, Foundation.NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge, System.Action<Foundation.NSUrlSessionAuthChallengeDisposition,Foundation.NSUrlCredential> completionHandler);
	public virtual void DidWriteBytes (BADownload download, long bytesWritten, long totalBytesWritten, long totalExpectedBytes);
	public virtual void Failed (BADownload download, Foundation.NSError error);
	public virtual void Finished (BADownload download, Foundation.NSUrl fileUrl);

New Type: BackgroundAssets.BADownloadManagerDelegate_Extensions

public static class BADownloadManagerDelegate_Extensions {
	// methods
	public static void DidBegin (this IBADownloadManagerDelegate This, BADownload download);
	public static void DidPause (this IBADownloadManagerDelegate This, BADownload download);
	public static void DidReceiveChallenge (this IBADownloadManagerDelegate This, BADownload download, Foundation.NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge, System.Action<Foundation.NSUrlSessionAuthChallengeDisposition,Foundation.NSUrlCredential> completionHandler);
	public static void DidWriteBytes (this IBADownloadManagerDelegate This, BADownload download, long bytesWritten, long totalBytesWritten, long totalExpectedBytes);
	public static void Failed (this IBADownloadManagerDelegate This, BADownload download, Foundation.NSError error);
	public static void Finished (this IBADownloadManagerDelegate This, BADownload download, Foundation.NSUrl fileUrl);

New Type: BackgroundAssets.BADownloadState

public enum BADownloadState {
	Created = 0,
	Downloading = 2,
	Failed = -1,
	Finished = 3,
	Waiting = 1,

New Type: BackgroundAssets.BADownloaderExtension_Extensions

public static class BADownloaderExtension_Extensions {
	// methods
	public static void DidReceiveChallenge (this IBADownloaderExtension This, BADownload download, Foundation.NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge, System.Action<Foundation.NSUrlSessionAuthChallengeDisposition,Foundation.NSUrlCredential> completionHandler);
	public static void Failed (this IBADownloaderExtension This, BADownload download, Foundation.NSError error);
	public static void Finished (this IBADownloaderExtension This, BADownload download, Foundation.NSUrl fileUrl);
	public static Foundation.NSSet<BADownload> GetDownloads (this IBADownloaderExtension This, BAContentRequest contentRequest, Foundation.NSUrl manifestUrl, BAAppExtensionInfo extensionInfo);
	public static void WillTerminate (this IBADownloaderExtension This);

New Type: BackgroundAssets.BAUrlDownload

public class BAUrlDownload : BackgroundAssets.BADownload {
	// constructors
	public BAUrlDownload (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected BAUrlDownload (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected BAUrlDownload (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public BAUrlDownload (string identifier, Foundation.NSUrlRequest request, string applicationGroupIdentifier);
	public BAUrlDownload (string identifier, Foundation.NSUrlRequest request, string applicationGroupIdentifier, IntPtr priority);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public static IntPtr DefaultPriority { get; }
	public static IntPtr MaxPriority { get; }
	public static IntPtr MinPriority { get; }

New Type: BackgroundAssets.IBADownloadManagerDelegate

public interface IBADownloadManagerDelegate : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {

New Type: BackgroundAssets.IBADownloaderExtension

public interface IBADownloaderExtension : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
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