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Created November 21, 2019 09:04
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  • Save kaspar030/03a11f04f2f6b1fd8a6bfb271594c600 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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boards/chronos/drivers/display.c:366: error (nullPointerArithmetic): Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
core/include/bitarithm.h:150: style (oppositeExpression): Opposite expression on both sides of '&'.
cpu/arm7_common/arm7_init.c:45: error (comparePointers): Comparing pointers that point to different objects
cpu/arm7_common/arm7_init.c:54: error (comparePointers): Comparing pointers that point to different objects
cpu/atmega_common/periph/gpio.c:410: warning (arrayIndexOutOfBoundsCond): Either the condition 'int_num<4' is redundant or the array 'config[2]' is accessed at index 3, which is out of bounds.
cpu/atmega_common/periph/gpio.c:411: warning (arrayIndexOutOfBoundsCond): Either the condition 'int_num<4' is redundant or the array 'config[2]' is accessed at index 3, which is out of bounds.
cpu/cortexm_common/vectors_cortexm.c:115: error (comparePointers): Comparing pointers that point to different objects
cpu/cortexm_common/vectors_cortexm.c:120: error (comparePointers): Comparing pointers that point to different objects
cpu/cortexm_common/vectors_cortexm.c:136: error (comparePointers): Comparing pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp32/exceptions.c:137: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp32/exceptions.c:199: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp32/periph/can.c:257: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'esp_frame.dlc' is assigned a value that is never used.
cpu/esp32/periph/can.c:258: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'esp_frame.rtr' is assigned a value that is never used.
cpu/esp32/periph/can.c:266: style (unreadVariable): Variable '[3]' is assigned a value that is never used.
cpu/esp32/periph/can.c:271: style (unreadVariable): Variable '[1]' is assigned a value that is never used.
cpu/esp32/periph/can.c:907: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'reg_0.baud_rate_prescaler' is assigned a value that is never used.
cpu/esp32/periph/can.c:908: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'reg_0.sync_jump_width' is assigned a value that is never used.
cpu/esp32/periph/can.c:909: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'reg_1.time_seg_1' is assigned a value that is never used.
cpu/esp32/periph/can.c:910: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'reg_1.time_seg_2' is assigned a value that is never used.
cpu/esp32/periph/can.c:911: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'reg_1.sampling' is assigned a value that is never used.
cpu/esp32/periph/i2c_hw.c:706: style (redundantAssignment): Variable '_i2c_hw[dev].regs->fifo_conf.rx_fifo_rst' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
cpu/esp32/periph/i2c_hw.c:736: style (redundantAssignment): Variable '_i2c_hw[dev].regs->fifo_conf.tx_fifo_rst' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
cpu/esp32/periph/uart.c:299: style (redundantAssignment): Variable '_uarts[uart].regs->conf0.rxfifo_rst' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
cpu/esp32/periph/uart.c:301: style (redundantAssignment): Variable '_uarts[uart].regs->conf0.txfifo_rst' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
cpu/esp32/startup.c:125: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp32/startup.c:129: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp32/startup.c:134: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp32/syscalls.c:109: error (memleak): Memory leak: mtx
cpu/esp32/syscalls.c:123: error (memleak): Memory leak: rmtx
cpu/esp32/syscalls.c:269: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp32/syscalls.c:274: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp32/syscalls.c:275: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp32/thread_arch.c:299: error (comparePointers): Comparing pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp32/thread_arch.c:307: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp32/thread_arch.c:326: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp8266/esp-wifi/esp_wifi_netdev.c:437: warning (arrayIndexOutOfBoundsCond): Either the condition 'reason<200' is redundant or the array '_esp_wifi_disc_reasons[29]' is accessed at index 199, which is out of bounds.
cpu/esp8266/periph/uart.c:355: style (redundantAssignment): Variable '_uarts[uart].regs->conf0.rxfifo_rst' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
cpu/esp8266/periph/uart.c:357: style (redundantAssignment): Variable '_uarts[uart].regs->conf0.txfifo_rst' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
cpu/esp8266/syscalls.c:370: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp8266/syscalls.c:376: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp8266/thread_arch.c:357: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp8266/thread_arch.c:376: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp8266/thread_arch.c:349: error (comparePointers): Comparing pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp8266/tools.c:42: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp_common/esp-now/esp_now_gnrc.c:84: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'esp_hdr.flags' is assigned a value that is never used.
cpu/esp_common/esp-now/esp_now_gnrc.c:80: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'esp_hdr.flags' is assigned a value that is never used.
cpu/fe310/cpu.c:391: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
cpu/kinetis/periph/pwm.c:47: style (shadowFunction): Local variable 'ftm' shadows outer function
cpu/kinetis/periph/timer.c:429: style (redundantAssignment): Variable 'hw->CSR' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
cpu/mips_pic32_common/periph/uart.c:63: style (redundantAssignment): Variable 'pic_uart[uart].regs[24/4]' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
cpu/msp430_common/malloc.c:471: style (shadowFunction): Local variable 'free' shadows outer function
cpu/nrf52/periph/usbdev.c:110: style (redundantAssignment): Variable 'usbdev->device->ENABLE' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
cpu/sam0_common/periph/rtc.c:145: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'clock.reg' is assigned a value that is never used.
cpu/sam0_common/periph/rtc.c:197: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'alarm.reg' is assigned a value that is never used.
cpu/sam0_common/periph/usbdev.c:81: style (redundantAssignment): Variable 'dev->config->device->INTENSET.reg' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
cpu/sam3/periph/timer.c:43: portability (shiftTooManyBitsSigned): Shifting signed 32-bit value by 31 bits is implementation-defined behaviour. See condition at line 42.
cpu/sam3/periph/timer.c:43: portability (shiftTooManyBitsSigned): Shifting signed 32-bit value by 32 bits is implementation-defined behaviour. See condition at line 42.
cpu/sam3/periph/timer.c:43: warning (integerOverflowCond): Either the condition 'id<32' is redundant or there is signed integer overflow for expression '1<<(id+1)'.
drivers/encx24j600/encx24j600.c:153: style (shadowFunction): Local variable 'cmd' shadows outer function
drivers/encx24j600/encx24j600.c:177: style (shadowFunction): Local variable 'cmd' shadows outer function
drivers/encx24j600/encx24j600.c:183: style (shadowFunction): Local variable 'cmd' shadows outer function
drivers/encx24j600/encx24j600.c:189: style (shadowFunction): Local variable 'cmd' shadows outer function
drivers/ina220/ina220.c:61: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'tmp.u16' is assigned a value that is never used.
drivers/motor_driver/motor_driver.c:34: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'err' is assigned a value that is never used.
drivers/motor_driver/motor_driver.c:191: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'err' is assigned a value that is never used.
drivers/mrf24j40/mrf24j40_getset.c:136: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'naddr.u16' is assigned a value that is never used.
drivers/mrf24j40/mrf24j40_getset.c:163: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'naddr.u64' is assigned a value that is never used.
drivers/nvram_spi/nvram-spi.c:136: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'addr.u32' is assigned a value that is never used.
drivers/nvram_spi/nvram-spi.c:166: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'addr.u32' is assigned a value that is never used.
drivers/sht2x/sht2x.c:207: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'ix' shadows outer variable
drivers/sht2x/sht2x.c:223: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'ix' shadows outer variable
drivers/sht3x/sht3x.c:433: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'i' shadows outer variable
examples/posix_sockets/udp.c:98: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'src.sin6_family' is assigned a value that is never used.
examples/posix_sockets/udp.c:109: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'src.sin6_port' is assigned a value that is never used.
pkg/fatfs/fatfs_diskio/mtd/mtd_diskio.c:215: style (duplicateAssignExpression): Same expression used in consecutive assignments of 'month' and 'day_of_month'.
pkg/lwip/contrib/sock/tcp/lwip_sock_tcp.c:199: style (knownConditionTrueFalse): Condition 'timeout!=0' is always true
pkg/openthread/contrib/platform_functions_wrapper.c:194: style (shadowArgument): Local variable 'arg' shadows outer argument
pkg/semtech-loramac/contrib/semtech_loramac_getset.c:337: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'p.Frequency' is assigned a value that is never used.
pkg/semtech-loramac/contrib/semtech_loramac_getset.c:367: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'p.Datarate' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/can/conn/raw.c:135: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'handle' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/crypto/chacha.c:61: style (duplicateValueTernary): Same value in both branches of ternary operator.
sys/include/net/sixlowpan/nd.h:208: style (returnNonBoolInBooleanFunction): Non-boolean value returned from function returning bool
sys/net/application_layer/asymcute/asymcute.c:932: style (shadowArgument): Local variable 'sub' shadows outer argument
sys/net/application_layer/gcoap/gcoap.c:299: style (knownConditionTrueFalse): Condition 'memo!=resource_memo' is always false
sys/net/gnrc/netif/gnrc_netif_raw.c:101: style (redundantInitialization): Redundant initialization for 'res'. The initialized value is overwritten before it is read.
sys/net/gnrc/network_layer/icmpv6/echo/gnrc_icmpv6_echo.c:62: warning (nullPointerArithmeticRedundantCheck): Either the condition 'echo==NULL' is redundant or there is pointer arithmetic with NULL pointer.
sys/net/gnrc/network_layer/ndp/gnrc_ndp.c:266: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'l2src_len' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/net/gnrc/network_layer/sixlowpan/iphc/gnrc_sixlowpan_iphc.c:925: style (shadowArgument): Local variable 'ctx' shadows outer argument
sys/net/gnrc/routing/rpl/p2p/gnrc_rpl_p2p.c:293: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'icmpv6_snip' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/net/gnrc/transport_layer/tcp/gnrc_tcp_eventloop.c:219: style (knownConditionTrueFalse): Condition 'tcb!=NULL' is always false
sys/net/gnrc/transport_layer/tcp/gnrc_tcp_eventloop.c:78: style (constArgument): Argument 'nw!=NULL' to function assert is always 1
sys/net/gnrc/transport_layer/tcp/gnrc_tcp_fsm.c:471: style (knownConditionTrueFalse): Condition 'lst!=NULL' is always false
sys/net/gnrc/transport_layer/tcp/gnrc_tcp_fsm.c:405: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'seg_len' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/net/gnrc/transport_layer/tcp/gnrc_tcp_fsm.c:406: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'pay_len' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/net/network_layer/fib/fib.c:1110: style (duplicateAssignExpression): Same expression used in consecutive assignments of 'addr_old_size_match' and 'addr_new_size_match'.
sys/net/network_layer/fib/fib.c:1026: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'elt' shadows outer variable
sys/newlib_syscalls_default/syscalls.c:138: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
sys/posix/pthread/pthread_barrier.c:74: error (autoVariables): Address of local auto-variable assigned to a function parameter.
sys/quad_math/adddi3.c:46: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'aa.q' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/quad_math/adddi3.c:47: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'bb.q' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/quad_math/anddi3.c:45: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'bb.q' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/quad_math/floatdidf.c:50: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'u.q' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/quad_math/floatdidf.c:54: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'u.q' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/quad_math/floatdisf.c:50: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'u.q' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/quad_math/floatdisf.c:54: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'u.q' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/quad_math/floatunsdidf.c:46: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'u.uq' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/quad_math/iordi3.c:45: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'bb.q' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/quad_math/muldi3.c:119: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'v.q' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/quad_math/muldi3.c:141: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'low.q' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/quad_math/negdi2.c:44: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'aa.q' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/quad_math/qdivrem.c:123: style (redundantAssignment): Variable 'tmp.uq' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
sys/quad_math/subdi3.c:45: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'aa.q' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/quad_math/subdi3.c:46: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'bb.q' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/quad_math/xordi3.c:45: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'bb.q' is assigned a value that is never used.
sys/random/random.c:91: portability (shiftTooManyBitsSigned): Shifting signed 32-bit value by 31 bits is implementation-defined behaviour. See condition at line 89.
sys/suit/coap.c:365: style (knownConditionTrueFalse): Condition 'res==0' is always true
sys/suit/v4/handlers.c:377: style (shadowArgument): Local variable 'key' shadows outer argument
sys/usb/usbus/usbus_fmt.c:258: style (redundantAssignment): Variable 'conf.total_length' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
sys/vfs/vfs.c:787: style (unsignedLessThanZero): Checking if unsigned expression 'buflen' is less than zero.
sys/vfs/vfs.c:366: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'res' shadows outer variable
sys/xtimer/xtimer_core.c:549: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'now' shadows outer variable
tests/bench_timers/main.c:162: error (internalAstError): Syntax Error: AST broken, binary operator '=' doesn't have two operands.
tests/conn_can/main.c:126: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'conn' shadows outer variable
tests/conn_can/main.c:318: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'filters' shadows outer variable
tests/cpp11_condition_variable/main.cpp:52: style (redundantAssignment): Variable 'data' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
tests/driver_apa102/main.c:92: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'col' shadows outer variable
tests/driver_pn532/main.c:108: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'data' shadows outer variable
tests/driver_sds011/main.c:214: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'data' shadows outer variable
tests/driver_sht3x/main.c:34: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'res' is assigned a value that is never used.
tests/driver_sx127x/main.c:154: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'data' is assigned a value that is never used.
tests/events/main.c:72: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'custom_event' shadows outer variable
tests/gnrc_netif/main.c:190: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'ethernet_l2addr' shadows outer variable
tests/gnrc_netif/main.c:191: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'ieee802154_l2addr_long' shadows outer variable
tests/gnrc_netif/main.c:192: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'ieee802154_l2addr_short' shadows outer variable
tests/gnrc_netif/main.c:217: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'ethernet_l2addr' shadows outer variable
tests/gnrc_netif/main.c:218: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'ieee802154_l2addr_long' shadows outer variable
tests/gnrc_netif/main.c:219: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'ieee802154_l2addr_short' shadows outer variable
tests/gnrc_netif/main.c:707: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'ieee802154_l2addr_len' shadows outer variable
tests/gnrc_netif/main.c:792: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'ieee802154_l2addr_len' shadows outer variable
tests/gnrc_udp/udp.c:145: style (knownConditionTrueFalse): Condition 'netif==NULL' is always false
tests/lua_loader/main.c:87: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'status' shadows outer variable
tests/lwip/tcp.c:60: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'res' shadows outer variable
tests/lwip/udp.c:57: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'res' shadows outer variable
tests/periph_adc/main.c:35: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'sample' is assigned a value that is never used.
tests/periph_qdec/main.c:39: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'value' is assigned a value that is never used.
tests/pkg_fatfs/main.c:225: style (redundantAssignment): Variable 'resu' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
tests/pkg_microcoap/microcoap_sock.c:38: style (unreadVariable): Variable 'rc' is assigned a value that is never used.
tests/pthread_tls/main.c:56: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'val' shadows outer variable
tests/pthread_tls/main.c:68: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'val' shadows outer variable
tests/pthread_tls/main.c:87: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'val' shadows outer variable
tests/pthread_tls/main.c:105: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'val' shadows outer variable
tests/rmutex/main.c:61: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'depth' shadows outer variable
tests/rmutex_cpp/main.cpp:61: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'depth' shadows outer variable
tests/rng/test.c:247: warning (objectIndex): The address of local variable 'value' might be accessed at non-zero index.
tests/rng/test.c:367: error (objectIndex): The address of local variable 'value' is accessed at non-zero index.
tests/rng/test.c:368: error (objectIndex): The address of local variable 'value' is accessed at non-zero index.
tests/rng/test.c:369: error (objectIndex): The address of local variable 'value' is accessed at non-zero index.
tests/unittests/tests-scanf_float/tests-scanf_float.c:28: error (preprocessorErrorDirective): failed to expand 'TEST_EASY', Invalid ## usage when expanding 'TEST_EASY'.
tests/usbus/usbdev_mock.c:136: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'usbdev_mock' shadows outer variable
tests/usbus/usbdev_mock.c:202: style (shadowVariable): Local variable 'usbdev_mock' shadows outer variable
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